
Free agents, draftees, it doesn’t matter. People don’t want to work for someone who treats them like chattel and doesn’t respect their requests (however, bad or odd those requests might be). There are reasons the Clippers were garbage for decades, and all of them have to do with the old owner thinking he can treat the

He’s person; not a robot. I don’t think any free agent on the market today or in the future would ever want to go to San Antonio if they know the organization treats its players that way.

Do Not Ever Underestimate....

Glad we are finally getting a wave of sports journalists with names related to the sport they cover.

I heard that Lebron’s uncle works at Nintendo.

Have you never player London Bridge is Falling Down. The four guys Hold the arms down, Steph dribbles in a circle around the Ring of Protection, then one of the pairs of arms comes up for him to enter and drops before the defender gets through. It’s foolproof!

This is why the NBA should go into a conference-less tournament.

No worries, dude. I thought so, too, but my co-worker told me she has SAD, and she says it that around the changing of every season, particularly summer and winter, it’s like all her emotions become extremely heightened.

No, dude, I’m talking something more in line with seasonal affective disorder.

...Also in the air: Strangers who are fully falling into their worst behavior.

This is going to sound weird and have personal bias, but it feels like there is something in the air right now. All my friends who have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, as bi-polar, or who have any mental health issue, all of them seem incredibly affected right now and have fully fallen into their depression,

Everything about this reads as“nervous breakdown” or someone going off of or possibly needing stronger/different medication. Hope Fuentes gets help.

There is another side of the ball. The line-up above is so long and spry, they can make life difficult for any team on defense. So there’s that too.

A lot of people said Wade and Lebron would never work together because they both need the ball to be effective.

Every interview I’ve read on Lebron is that he’s tired and wants help, particularly he’s tired of handling the ball every. damn. play. I think the PG will be fine.

Hot take: Phili signs Lebron and keeps Redick.

Thank you. My comment was more a reflection of the general attitude toward the Warriors. For the first time since maybe the Showtime Lakers, this is a team one can generally like up and down the roster (minus Green), and people are as bored with them as the Warriors seem to be bored on the court at times. It’s really

8 straight Finals appearances; 3 wins: “Wow!”

My heart goes out to the poor guy who had to edit that for Sorkin.

I want to walk this back, but only a little bit. I’m not talking about giving a child up for adoption, which is a whole different animal, requiring sacrifice by the mother (and father). People put into a situation where they have to give up their kids for adoption is incredibly difficult and painful, but it is usually