It’s amazing, with the right lighting and shadow effects, how much longer a dong can look.
It’s amazing, with the right lighting and shadow effects, how much longer a dong can look.
Great, just great. After reading that headline, I’ve realized that I’m in the same timeline as HBO’s Confederate.
Normally when you see a short dong slip along a pole it’s barely noticed.
Grilled onions, mustard, and sometimes grated cheese (preferable melted).
IDK. Sounds like S needs to check herself. She lies to her parents for half a decade then wants to drop the husband who put up with that BS for hiding one friendship.
Feels poetic that the Warriors are moving into San Francisco a few years after the Niners moved out.
*Mexico border
Ah, yes, that most prominent state on the Mexican border...Ohio.
The ONLY viable excuse is that he doesn’t want to be in Cleveland the season after Lebron bails and Love is traded for picks. Being on another crap team could* hurt his pay when he opts out in 2019.
8/10 is the coward’s review score.
Not that i’m some Gilbert fan, but if the Cavs can’t get a player or players of equal standing as Kyrie, he should ignore Lebron and use Irving as a trade to a rebuild. Call LBJ’s bluff, offer him an extension, and if he balks, they have their answer to his level of commitment to the Cavs
In retrospect, this might be why Kyrie demanded the trade so late. Imagine hearing about and knowing that, even if they all teamed up, George and Lebron might be bailing after next season anyway. Plus, Kyrie is clearly the third banana in that trifecta and would have been stuck with a team in 2018 worse than the one…
IDK why but it feels possible! Either melo for irving or Cleveland is the third team for melo to Houston, with Cleveland taking the Anderson albatross contract for a bunch of picks.
Right? I mean thete are two thoughts I had with this trade: (1) a trio of Melo/Paul/Harden is not better than Steph/Klay/KD; and (2) getting rid of Anderson puts one less 3-point shooter on the floor.
NBA: “we are on a real roll. We’ve culturally never been more relevant; all our major stars are relatable, charming, and upstanding people; fans love the product on the floor and the social stances off it. We’ve never had a greater opportunity to really push the conversation that basketball is America’s, if not the…
Thankfully, Costa Rica only needed the tip in.
IDK. California has a lot of good Dems that the rest of the country, including most left-leaning political writers, completely ignore.
Pocket Rockets Still at Half-Mast
One of the circles of hell.
To be fair, the things that players probably liked about Phil’s coaching style are the traits that make him a terrible GM.