
that second letter though

“I’m with a super toxic person who treats me like a non-entity, but I’m stuck because I have funiture bills.”


Rule 1 of troubleshooting: Trust but verify. I can understand the immediate thoughts to believe partner, but want to actually verify that to be the truth. 

“This, quite frankly, is waving more red flags than a military parade in Tiananmen Square.”

Wow, I feel so bad for the trans person at the end, and I’ve been waylaid by the “actually, I’m MARRIED” shit before. Do not pass go, do not get $200, just get the hell out of dodge. If they can’t get divorced by now because it’s not convenient for them, then it’s not convenient for you either. I hate lying liars.

Something has happened that I just don’t understand.

1st dude the bottom line is, if you truly care about her you’ll push that nagging thought about cheating far, far down into the pits of your brain and instead have some good ol’ merry days together and so on.

Yeah, DaS, that’s what we call a complete and utter train wreck.  There is literally nothing in there going for you, and you are being used.

@Damaged and Suffering:

You’re gonorrhea piss somebody off if you keep making lame jokes like that. 

Mainly because (and you’ll call me an idiot for this one) she is still married to the father of her children.

How much do you wanna bet that LW2 girlfriend love-bombed the hell outta her when they first met?

Thank god you nailed that one. It’s like you read my mind as I was reading it. Also, to Damaged and Suffering, I’d just like to say that, from my personal experience, not only should you get the hell out, as in, drop every fucking thing and go live with your parents or live in a box if you have to, you should focus on

I made it to this part and thought “Nope, get the fuck out of there.”:

I was in a poly relationship that went to hell. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I feel awful for the 2nd letter writer. That is just an awful situation to be in. Leave fast!

Oh hey, I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had a good “every single bit of this relationship is awful, should I stick it out” story. The moment the husband was mentioned, the Master Alarm sound from Apollo 13 (or real rockets I guess) started playing in my head

Oh man... that second one. This is why I love Dr. NerdLove. GTFO asap.