
The one thing Ford could actually do to improve “customer experience” is to crack down on shady dealers.


I get more corniness in BuschL/BL than I do in mexican beers usually.

“Investigators from PETA”

The rule should be that water is an acceptable sub-in for beer if you:

Baaaahaha my gf is a DePaul student on that campus, I hang out in that area all the time.

Not sure what you meant by that.


I have always thought guards were the lynchpin of any good OL. They make everyone else’s job easier.

Neither. It’s waste.

This is a bad headline. “Bolted” makes it sound like she did something wrong, when she clearly didn’t.

The only thing to me is, nationally black Democrats are the more conservative in the party, especially socially. He might be able to pull together enough older black Dems (the ones who skew conservative) and white millennials (his natural base, since he is one) to be able to bypass the black millennials.

All of the hipster burger joints on my block make some really good brussels sprouts. Just saying.

The last set of original posts were deleted.

I’m not afraid of any backlash. I just think that the inevitable “acquittal” in the Senate will give Trump ammunition for 2020.


Make ramen with tea.

Wellp, the gauntlets have finally been thrown. MS clearly wants to set the stage for the next generation of streaming consoles, while Sony wants to make the last top-notch console before that generation comes along.

Yeah, the closest thing I can think of to Japanese stir-fry would be, like... hibachi?