
I mean, for dick’s sale, that woke be how you innovate the American motorcycle scene. And Indian was known for their Inline 4 as well!

Give us the FTR750 you fucking cowards!!!

Your last stat was from 2012, which means all those average riders are pushing 50 or older., In 10 years, they’re in their 60s. Most of the discourse around the average yHarley Rider suggests that they are baby boomers mostly.  Baby boomers are currently 50s-70s, so in 5-10 years they will be in their 60s-80s.

Something something journey, something something destination.

Fucking assholes, just give us the ftr750 with DOT equipment, for FUCK'S sake!!!

Because the core of Harley's base will be 65-85 years old, and either too old to ride, or just dead more likely

Was just about to post this

You’re breathtaking!

The only thing that’s rather unfortunate if that I can’t buy something new that looks like that!

Food, now powered by the cloud!

The Deaging thing just send like the latest fad. It’s like all the “next gen” (real-d, etc) 3d movies that plauged theaters 10 years ago that had no reason to be 3d, and looked hoky as fuck. I’m sure the tech will end up phasing out of being the main focus and will end up being another tool. It’s just in the zietgiest

It’s been a wild ride, Splinter. I'll miss you guys

Yeah the tax cut that led to me having to give my parents a several thousand dollar loan to pay off their texted so they didn’t lose the house. Way to test the middle class. God I hate him somuch

Portal 2, it's a video game.  The potato is used as a battery to power the evil AI character as an emergency.

Honestly, as a not quite 30 yearold, the only thing I have ever had a marginal interest in is the swimsuit edition. And I have never actually read one of those either.

That they need to boost Bidens image more!

Joe, my man, it’s ok to call it quits on this. We won’t think less of you (than we already do). I hear there are plenty of old Trans Ams that need washing. Go ride if into that sunset.

Don’t remind me.  I just turned 27 and still have to rent from my parents, unless I want to move to fucking fort Collins or something.

JaLAWnik & Order: SUV

It’s basically running the starter in reverse though, which assists when you walk the bike back. I’m doubtful it’s up to the task of reversing a whole car, or for very long if it is.