Playing the angel

Or maybe Martha is annoyed by GP like the rest of us are? I don't think my bottom line needs to be affected for me to think that Goopy is annoying as fuck.

SHE IS AMAZING AND INSANE! I just bought the October/Halloween issue for this year and it's got a whole section on apple sauce. But not the store bought kind, the kind you make yourself with apples you pick from your own orchard. Because, you know, everyone has one of those. Everything she does is so perfectly rustic!!

That's the amazing thing about Martha. It's not just cooking, it's ev-er-y-th-i-ng. Gardening, decorating, cleaning, crafts, everything. A steady stream of projects. Things to actually do.

I'm half WASP but will only identify as Irish Catholic because these white ladies with their aggressive passive aggression and two dishwashers are embarrassing to be related to. Just wash the fucking dish yourself, idiots.

I don't see Goop coming out with an amazing Halloween magazine issue every year, so yeah. Goop can suck it.

Yehuda is my man. The rest of you can back off.

For real. I kind of wish he was my grandfather. We would hang out all the time.

I loved the guy who said "Don't do romance?! What kinda guy are you?"

Mine would be zero shades of nothing.

RIP Pamela :-(

It is such terrible writing! I had heard the writing was bad, but this is really, really atrocious.

The S WORD???? I feel so sorry for this lady. She seems so scared of sex!

I absolutely lost it at, "I believe the Italians call that fellatio!"

There's gotta be a BDSM porn with that name by now.

This is giving me horrible flashbacks to the time I found a copy of 50 Shades of Grey in my parents house with a book marker half way through it, indicating that at least 1 of my parents is actually aware that sex exists, a fact I was comfortable not ever knowing.

There are stores that specialize in lion.

Where did you FIND this?!

This is my dramatic reinterpretation of Mufasa finding out what happened after Simba left home to travel the world, shunning his royal past.

Gotta be a shitty restaurant. Frozen lion? Serve fresh or don't bother.