Playing the angel

"Everybody in the 413 do 21 flaming Bacardi shots just like me!"

She was jailed at Land O' Lakes Detention Center.

If your BAC reads like an area code, you're gonna have a bad time.

I'm pretty sure it's because Kim did not achieve fame by being an actor or singer or artist or creator of any sort. She was just one of Paris Hilton's crowd (so already, there's some hate by association). Then she made a sex tape with an actual actor/singer/celebrity (Ray J), which was "leaked" to Vivid, which she

I despise the Kardashians and anything they're involved in. I did not notice any sexualization in this photo. If I had, I'd be all over it. Not saying you're wrong; it just didn't jump out at me and I'm personally not seeing it.

I agree! I'm thinking the people who are hating on it haven't spent hours fruitlessly looking through target sales, wincing at random, ugly prints on every toddler shirt. There are definitely worse options.

If it was gray or plaid, it would look like the garden variety elementary/primary school uniform. I see 100s of 3-7 year olds wearing these every day. (I live near4 elelementary schools. )

What? I had dresses just like that in the 80s—my grandma made them.

If this line was available in the UK, I'd likely buy those dresses. I had stuff like that when I was little. I'm not a fan of white on kids but that stuff is cute.

Why is that dress even a little ridiculous for a kid?

Right? I'm amazed at all the negativity here. Those dresses are cute and fashionably age appropriate for little ones. Looking at the comments, you'd think the average Jez reader proudly dresses their child in completely gender neutral fair trade hand me downs.

You might be drunk. They don't look too sexualized to me. They are wearing a lot of makeup though and that does call the comparisons to mind a bit more I guess. But I think it's just the shade of lipstick. The mouth positions aren't really unnatural for little kids.

They both have lipstick on, which is weird (kids in advertisements obviously have some makeup on, but obvious lipstick is odd). The clothes look classy, though.

That's possible. A bodysuit is exactly that here, too, with "onesie" as just another name for it.

Like, hmmm...Beyoncé?

So, here's my question: if this photo, with these dresses (which are cute, by the way) were part of the children's clothing line of someone people at Jezebel are allowed to like, would we be seeing so much snark? I'm guessing not.

Wow, only $60! That works out to about only $15 per week until they're out grown.

The dresses in that photo are cute and not whorey. The Kartrashians signed off on those?

Those dresses in the picture are actually kid of cute and tasteful. Maybe the world is ending?

Tiny-ass well-dressed humans will always make me feel inferior, therefore angry at myself for feeling inferior when in actual fact they've probably shit themselves 10 minutes ago and I have not. I am proud of myself for this fact.