Playing the angel

Seriously. If my ex hadn't bothered me what felt like every 15 seconds for a bj or sex then I am 150% positive I would have been more agreeable to it. But having someone nag you to fuck them constantly is a major turn off and more than slightly annoying.

Ding ding ding we have a winner!!! Married 25 yrs.. and while I enjoy sex. Dont freaking badger me every damn night. Sometimes I want to just lay in my own stink, eat cheetos and veg in front of tv until I fall asleep but if you badger me for sex after I have said no? Yeah I am going to get highly annoyed and turn you

Actually, I'll be celebrating my 20 year anniversary next month, and I and my partner are twice-a-month folks (on average), and quite satisfied with that. Some people just don't have the sex drive that others do; the problem comes when there's a serious mismatch between sex drives. As long as both partners are GGG

Or it could be because he pesters her EVERY DAMNED DAY and even if you *like* sex with your SO, that shit (the constant harassment part) gets old fast...

She's bored with him.

Nah. She's just bored with it.

Or, maybe, just maybe, she doesn't like to have sex? That happens, you know.

Not necessarily. A lot of married couples don't have sex as frequently as the husband would like. Sometimes work/kids/house/life get in the way.

Although someone did point out that (according to the reddit thread) they're only 26, so you may be on to something.

I met joanie faircloth on Facebook. She joined a few groups I was in. She lied constantly and even went as far as telling a friend if mine that she owned a house she would rent to her if she would move there. For months she continued this farce. My friend loaded up everything she owned and moved her children states

This woman is a known con woman. She is known on Facebook as being a liar and a fraud. She makes up huge stories and lies and scams the shit out of people. I was in a Facebook group with her a couple of years ago and saw first hand the damage she causes. I am so glad she finally got called out on something.

Not to defend the MRA clusterfuckbrains on the other article, but Jezebel did say (in their original reporting on the article):

"However, as Jezebel reported, Faircloth had a long history of making contradictory statements online[...]"

Actually, that makes sense. In a weird, crazy troll logic kind of way.

So Batman, The Hulk, Captain America, Superman... and uh... Hitler? Makes perfect sense.

Interestingly, Stormfront types tend to be somewhat less hateful toward Asians than Jews. It's a weird world that I studied (BLEH) in undergrad. There's a sort of hate short list that starts with us Jews and of course blacks, and then Latinos, and then Asians are sort of last.

When I visited Tokyo last year, I went to a very trendy fashionable part of the city and I saw a lot of teens dressed in nazi uniforms or had swastika arm bands. It's some sort of fashion trend. I asked a friend (a fellow fashion patternmaker who lives there) about it she said that the well tailored nazi uniforms are


She went off the deep-end a while ago, though I can't help but wonder how much of that was brought on by her fame level going from "moderately sized piece of debris from a Chinese satellite NASA is sorta keeping an eye on to make sure it doesn't crash into into anything important" to "whatever that shit was it's

Jesus christ, she sounds like my grandfather, who had paranoid schizophrenia. Get this woman to a doctor, asap! I really hope this doesn't get the let's make fun of a weird/stupid celebrity treatment, she's obviously mentally ill. :(