Life wasn’t easy for women in the early 20th century and race car driver and motorist Dorothy Levitt knew that for a…
I hope car companies will soon start to figure out that a lot of their credibility as a producer of good sports cars rests on them producing at least one fun, somewhat accessible model with a manual transmission.
So? Those are literally the only two ways you could improve an XV20. Boring they may be, but they excel at their mission.
pretty much my ideal car
I’m not sure that’s the whole picture. All things equal, those things would make the difference. But all things are not equal. The US kill a staggering amount of people both abroad and within the US; the US incarceration rate is over 5x that of “totalitarian” China, US murder rate is 4x, US literacy rate is probably…
Do you have any proof that Huawei is spying on people Patrick? You don’t, because there isn’t any, there isn’t any evidence of intention, there is nothing there, just smoke and mirrors.
I mean, do we have actual evidence and specifics, or is the government just mad we’re not putting profit in the hands of American companies?
who the fuck wants to punch kids in the face for playing with a toy? and what does the “lol i know” after wal-mart even mean? what fucking level of douchery are you really on here with this shit?
You sound like a really shitty person.