Platypus Man

When I was younger and I first watched The Last Stand, I was largely unfamiliar with Juggernaut, so I thought the Vinnie Jones version was pretty good. Then I realized that every other version is inhumanly large and he felt so... tiny.

Now playing

Reminder that they had Juggernaut in Deadpool 2, where he was completely CGI and voiced by a pitch-shifted Ryan Reynolds. I imagine if they wanted him in the new Deadpool and Vinnie Jones didn’t want to do it, they could probably have just done that again.

Hard to say - by the time I beat Mass Effect 3 in 2012, I already had been exposed to a lot of the cultural hate on it. I knew people didn’t like it, I just didn’t know why. So when I first played it, it was hard to go through the ending without knowing “people are pissed at this” and it’s hard for me to look back 12

My interpretation was that all current synthetic life (the geth, EDI, etc) would be irrevocably destroyed. They could be rebuilt, but as new individuals (like if you killed every person but could clone some of them later).

I’m not sure I ever actually beat the game again after the Extended Cut was added, I did the Citadel part but I don’t think anything else.

The cycle doesn’t have to continue and it likely won’t, at least not the same cycle, but it’s still someone controlling the Reapers to control the galaxy.

Right, I forgot about walking away (I haven’t played the game since it came out).

“Organics and synthetics can’t live together in harmony”

To me, the big problem with the ME3 ending was that Mass Effect was defined by binary choices - the ethics aren’t always clear, one isn’t “evil” while the other is “good”, but they at least feel consistent. Paragon vs Renegade. A Paragon frees the Rachni Queen because she and the rachni deserve to be free, a Renegade

Mass Effect 3 ending discussion? In 2024?

Can’t wait to see a driver fly off the edge and for Lakitu to catch him and set him back carefully on the track as to avoid crashing into onlookers and shoppers below.

“I was actually joking all along, you see”, the classic retort for someone who was in fact not joking and has given up.

Yeah I’m sorry that I’m trying to speak against a technology poised to hurt a lot of people and the environment while benefiting corporations and super-rich, you’re right that this is the same thing as an old man yelling at clouds.

I’m not defending that either but at least she got paid something. At least she signed the contract.

  1. They’re specifically paying for these AI services in an effort to replace human workers and avoid even paying minimum wage; they aren’t there yet, but that’s the obvious goal

I’m in my 30s and even when I was a kid, I remember having to think about what fruits were in season and which ones weren’t. And while that still factors into things like cost and availability, I can get most fruits pretty much year-round.

True, I was just saying that a “remake” like that would make a lot of people happy. I think enhancing the graphics some would help though.

Why do you say that? I think they did a great job with the FF Pixel Remasters.

Yeah, when that came out and people didn’t like it, I remember that the developers seemed surprised because that’s what they assumed people wanted. If they keep more of the visuals in line with the FF Pixel Remasters and add those same nice quality-of-life features I think most people will be happy. I’d like the extra

I already owned Remake but it was cheaper for me to pre-order Rebirth and get the Complete Edition of Remake for free than it was for me to pay for the Yuffie DLC that I still haven’t gotten around to.