Platypus Man

Sure, my point is just that you can get addicted to anything that way, the way they’re talking about “porn addiction” makes it sound like something unique or special. You can get addicted to ice cream if you love it enough. Gambling is an especially big example because of how predatory the industry is (and porn is up

The thing with a group of people obsessed with porn addition is that, unlike their statement, it isn’t really real. Like, it’s real insofar as anyone can enjoy anything (like porn, video games, sports, whatever), place that thing as too high of a priority, sacrifice other things for it, make poor decisions to get it,

I think the “gotcha” there is that you don’t have a debt yet. If I go into a cashless restaurant and they take my money before they start making my food (like Taco Bell), they can refuse to take my order (and therefore refuse to give me a debt) if I don’t have the payment they prefer to start with. This isn’t, like,

I prefer the kiosks (and self-checkout) because it lets me not talk to someone, but especially in an ordering situation it’s easier for me to know what add-ons or modifications are available rather than asking a person for me to list them out. I feel a lot less awkward asking for several things added, subtracted, or

Most of the time there is somebody there, he just caught them at a time when there wasn’t and nobody who saw him did anything about it. But yeah, as we go further to the kiosks-only and card-only systems, there will be more and more times when things like this will happen with no indication of what you’re supposed to

I was at Taco Bell a couple weeks ago around 3pm and while I was waiting on my food (which I ordered with my card at a kiosk), an older man came in and was getting visibly irritated that no one was taking his order at the counter. He even shouted back to the (visible) employees who were making food, asking who was

I’m at a little over 130,000 miles on my 10-year old Honda and it still drives great, I’ve considered replacing it but I also don’t drive it nearly as often now as I used to since I work fully remotely.

When I was in elementary school, I tested high on a placement test in 2nd grade, so in 3rd grade I changed schools to one of the two schools in the district with the “gifted” program. I don’t know how different it was compared to regular classes, except we were separate. There were maybe 40 of us. Then in middle

“This isn’t whataboutism” this is literally whataboutism. It’s a story about a Snapchat technical issue and you said “well what about Meta? you’re criticizing someone who isn’t Meta so you must be in favor of Facebook genocides.”

Sure, but Mario’s voice isn’t a nondescript whining sound effect like Snoopy, he’s actually saying words. Sure, those words are typically things like “let’sa go” and “it’sa me, Mario” and a lot of them can get endlessly reused, but they do periodically need him to say new words or say a new name or something and I’d

Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t started using a better term than “gifted”. It’s what they used with me in the 90s as well (though technically that was “academically gifted”, which is marginally better) and it just feels so generic and elitist, like the whole “all children have gifts but not all children are

Surprised you didn’t mention this, but this announcement all but confirms the rumors from a few months ago that Martinet wasn’t voicing Mario and Wario in the upcoming Super Mario Wonder and WarioWare Move It (respectively).

What I never understood is how nobody in the Prequel Trilogy thought that the “bring balance to the Force” prophecy line meant anything other than the Jedi losing significant amounts of power and standing. Like, there’s supposedly thousands of Jedi in the galaxy and their order is extremely powerful on the most

You’re absolutely right that it’s an unfair comparison - the CD-i games would have been poorly regarded even without Link weren’t yelling about how much he wanted to bomb some dodongos and saying “excuuuuuse me, Princess”. But I don’t think it did them any favors.

Interesting, I’ve been doing the Power Red for years (I’m also O-) and I’ve never had them tell me I didn’t need to stick around. Then again I would get the free snacks even if they didn’t make me so maybe they did and I just didn’t notice.

That’s weird, I haven’t been anywhere (across four states) that didn’t offer stuff pretty close to what’s described here. Cookies of some sort and juice are typical. But yeah, if you’re able to donate on an empty stomach and not pass out, more power to you.

Yeah, to be clear I’m not actually complaining or saying this is an overall bad move, I recognize that more people will benefit from this than not, I just know that for me personally it won’t really be helping.

There are definitely a lot of actors capable of pulling off a decent Link (Jack Quaid would be one of them), but even having a speaking Link would be a bit of an expectational shift no matter who did it.

Sure, but I’m just talking about realistically. I could have always stayed up until 4am watching these shows if I wanted to, but it wasn’t worth that. I realize it’s my choice, but realistically I know what’ll happen.

I love Zelda to death, like I have the Master Sword on my wall between maps of the Light World and the Dark World from A Link to the Past. I just finished my 185 hour Tears of the Kingdom playthrough the other day. But I really don’t think there’s a good way for a Zelda movie to work.