Platypus Man

VIII was one I played, but just could not get into. Didn’t like the world or the characters and while I thought the battle system was fine, I didn’t like that the enemies leveled up with me, I want to go back to an earlier area in the game and whoop ass.

I would have preferred that they had called FF XI “Final Fantasy Online” (and XIV “Final Fantasy Online II”) or something like that, but that’s just marketing talk. Absolutely they’re still “real” FF games.

Rxh6+JuneP@ssword🌔🐔🐛🐛gc27712ShellVdinerHeFinlandHHHHHH🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️🏋️‍♂️VII am loved

RIP to a real one

Made it to #24, this is one step too far.

Rule # 20 what the fuck

Yeah I have zero problem with people liking both, but the vast majority of the people I’ve seen who are not into the game have been reasonable, the “this isn’t Real Final Fantasy” is a minority (at least on my online spaces).

I already skipped the online FF games because I have no interest in MMOs, but it’s fine that other people like them.

I’ve heard good things about that one, but I haven’t played it either.

It’s good to remember that, reportedly, Janeway wasn’t allowed to appear in Picard s3 because she was considered exclusive to Prodigy. I forget if it was theorized or confirmed, but Tuvok’s appearances (especially the one at the end where Seven is promoted to Captain) may have originally been planned for Janeway. So

The funny thing about people bringing up Tuvix and discussing “was Janeway a murderer” (or likewise her actions that stranded the ship in the pilot episode) is that it’s indicative of how good of a character and how good Voyager was (or, well, could be at times). Nobody would keep bringing up Tuvix if the moral was

Sure, I read the article, but it’s never clear if people in the comments section are going to keep the same premise and restrictions as the article they’re replying to.

I don’t know that it is divisive, at least not by the majority of people (or at least not that that’s the right word). I’m not saying it’s not a Final Fantasy game or that Final Fantasy games can’t be action-y, I’m saying I like old school turn-based JRPGs and this isn’t that. I’m skipping FF16 in the same way I

In cities, sure. Living in a suburb, drive thrus are helpful.

She gets paid to write this, you (and I) don’t.

I’ve never actually had seltzer water, but I only really made the switch from soda to regular water a few years ago (thanks covid, I guess). I was under the impression that the reason soda worked so well is that the sugar/sweetener of the soda balanced out the bitterness added by the carbonation process (hence why

Oof, that’s rough. I didn’t actually start watching Star Trek until Voyager, so any TNG episodes I caught were on, like, SyFy or Spike TV or whatever years after the fact (and I didn’t see DS9 until Netflix).

A lot of that is probably the CGI and VFX in general - it requires such a high budget and so much time that they have to limit the number of episodes and they have to film them enough ahead of time to be able to do all that post production work. And if they released a Star Trek now with 1991 special effects, they

This is wild, I’m so impressed how people can come up with and actually make stuff like this. Meanwhile I struggled to make an air bike to explore the depths until I watched a Youtube tutorial.

It’s wild to go back and compare the DS9 Dominion War arc, lasting somewhere around 3 long seasons, with any arc from Discovery. Not every episode of DS9 in that time was actively about the war, but it was always there. Episodes like “Take Me Out to the Holosuite” could have been made seasons earlier, but placing them