I use Discord for chat in my online D&D game - that’s basically it.
I use Discord for chat in my online D&D game - that’s basically it.
That’s how other places do with their “online exclusives”. Like Chipotle has a quesadilla that’s an “app-exclusive” and if you try and order it in person, depending on who it is and how busy they are, they might refuse you (though this is at least partially because the quesadilla uses a specific machine that would…
Sorry if I was unclear, I wasn’t arguing against the policy, it’s a good idea. I just think that it’s not foolproof (which isn’t a reason to not implement it).
I get it, but I feel like you’re just going to end up with the reverse of what happens when kids want alcohol - they just pay someone else to do it for them. Hell, how long until an adult is just trading booze to kids for Pokemon cards?
At this point I’m convinced that the rules are so arbitrary and near-contradictory because they don’t actually want you to recycle things. Cities want to have metrics showing they have all these great recycling programs and then blame individuals when we accidentally try to recycle the “wrong” things. Corporations…
I’ve considered it, but it’s more work than I’m willing to put in here. I’ll just tell Roomba to skip them and then clean under the table myself.
I got a Roomba (j7) as a Christmas gift last year and I’ve liked it a lot. However, I ended up using it in a couple different ways than I had predicted:
I love how in 1998 they added “Fruit” to it to hopefully let kids convince their parents that it was basically good for you. Took until now to finally acknowledge that no, this is just gushing and who knows what’s in it.
I like the looks of it overall but did they get those d-pads from leftover Xbox 360 controllers?
I understand the potential security issue here, but I’ll definitely be using this in the future. Doesn’t look like the feature’s on my phone yet, though, so I guess it’s still rolling out.
I don’t hate Hershey’s, but I fully acknowledge that it’s not great and I get why people hate it. My favorite is Tony’s, which to me hits the sweet spot between “actually tastes good” and “doesn’t look like it’s trying to be too fancy, like calm down, you’re a bar of chocolate”.
I did know that and I recently did it on mine (after buying an analog in-oven thermometer), though I never heard about it on TikTok.
“A quality place like Skyline Chili”
That’s accurate, you don’t, but having played it only with VR I can’t say whether or not it’s worth playing without VR. A lot of the fun was feeling like you were on the bridge of a starship and physically manipulating the controls, but it’s probably not terrible.
Got it in 6 today after using guess #5 to try and determine which of the four possible words I could think of would be it. Was worried, though.
If you have VR and at least one friend to play with, I cannot recommend Star Trek Bridge Crew enough. Especially including the updates so that it doesn’t only include a ship from the Kelvin timeline, but also Kirk’s Enterprise and Picard’s Enterprise-D.
Reminds me of Italian chef Ettore Boiardi - after he moved to the US, he realized that most people likely wouldn’t be pronouncing his last name correctly, so when he created his eponymous brand of canned pasta, he changed the spelling entirely so that people would say it right - Chef Boyardee.
The ones I hate the most are when you get one person going like “I can’t believe that this feature exists on all ovens (or whatever) and I only just found out about it!” and then someone else (generally with a much less excitable tone) is like “that can’t be right, let me check this out” and they’re surprised when…