Platypus Man

Personally I’m not super keen on feeling like I have to use someone’s doctorate as a title when it’s not relevant to what they’re doing. Huckster though he obviously is, when he was giving medical-adjacent advice on television, sure, “Dr Oz” is fine. But now he’s a politician and his MD is irrelevant. Same as Ben

My grandpa (currently in his 80s) had it as a child, one leg is like an inch shorter than the other and he has to wear special shoes.

Teachers have been exploited for decades because schools (and by extension, politicians) can keep busting out the “oh, so you don’t care about the kids” routine. Obviously they care, that’s why they put up with as much as they do, they shouldn’t have to make oatmeal every day and buy school supplies with their own

I don’t have kids, so I don’t know what kids do and don’t need. Maybe snacks are good for them, maybe they aren’t, I don’t know. I feel like part of it is parents and teachers wanting a way to shut kids up halfway between meals and organized snack time is more productive than a lot of things they could choose. Kids

Isn’t eating small meals with a few healthy snacks between one of the healthiest ways to eat? We insist on the idea that snacking is automatically bad for you, but that’s largely because so many snacks are like candy bars and chips, plus typically our meals are enormous (and many contain sides aka snacks of their

I don’t have kids so I haven’t really paid attention to what happens in elementary schools since I was there like 25 years ago (when I don’t remember getting any food outside of lunch for the entire day). But it just seems wild to expect all of the parents to bring snacks for all of the kids. If there’s going to be a

I think that’s pretty common for fast food (I know Chick-Fil-A does the same thing too) - they know their food doesn’t take long to make and doesn’t especially benefit from sitting there for 15-30 minutes for you to pick it up, so preparing the food ahead of time is more likely to cause more disappointment than it is

More broadly, she’s grateful to have avoided the trajectory that Nickelodeon put her on: “I would’ve kept doing sitcom after soul-sucking sitcom.”

Same - I caught a little bit of iCarly in the tail end of my viable Nickelodeon-watching years but I never saw Sam & Cat. I only really thought about McCurdy when I noticed she didn’t return for the more-adult-oriented iCarly reboot and this sounds like it goes a long way toward explaining why.

I’ve said it before on this site an I’ll say it again, get the Detroit Style Deep Deep Dish - it’s still not as good as you’ll get in a non-chain, but if you like Detroit style, it’s about the best you can get from one of these places.

The billboard looks great. Galarian Meowth... not so much. Gross looking. Alolan Meowth was already only ok, I don’t know why they did another regional form of a beloved gen 1 Pokemon instead of just making something new.

Great tips, I just don’t really want to trade for a specific Pokemon, I’d rather just take what the game gives me. That’s more fun for me and I don’t care about catching ‘em all.

True, though I don’t really like trading either, at least not for Pokemon I intend to actually use. Part of the fun of the games for me is building a team of the cool little guys I find rather than seeking out a perfect or specific team. But I’m also never going to play competitively.

Planning on getting Violet for the same reason I got most Pokemon versions - I like the color better. I’ll take whatever specific ‘mon I can get.

Now playing

Keep in mind, if you didn’t play Mario Kart Wii or it’s been a while, this is how the Mii-driven cars worked originally (1:06 if the video doesn’t start at the right spot):

I’ve never even heard of a countertop dishwasher, but as a concept it definitely makes sense. When I was a kid we had a portable dishwasher, but it was a full-size model with wheels (that we would wheel across the room and hook it up to the sink when it was time to use it).

I’ve never really gotten the hang of naps, for whatever reason going to sleep at anytime other than as part of my nightly routine has always made me feel worse. Like, I’m disoriented and having to wake up just makes me feel more tired than if I had just stayed awake.

It’s on my list, I just haven’t gotten to it yet.

Hopefully she’s a real rival and not a “best friend whom you share your journey with and sometimes spar with for funsies”. Gary/Blue really nailed it with “smell ya later”, I want someone to just be a jerk to me. I want my rival to be someone who is borderline evil, works with the bad guys, and is never redeemed.