
I buy the cheapest sand paper toilet paper to wipe my buttski then dissect which squares are still “good” and reuse when I have a runny nose. That saves me at least one box of tissue every few months. More if we have a mild winter.

Kristen lee... why the profanity? Kinda a lame attempt at being hip or cool. Try harder. Substance is what people care to read not “i’m cool. I swear in my articles. “

I use this so no guys can steal my hot wife from me. Not that I don’t trust her.


Have sharks with lasers on their heads protecting your car 24/7. I have 3. Never had any issues so far.

Hi dolsh, are you looking for a new or used car? Let me know and I can make ALL of those things happen for you.

This board is full of PC liberals who love to be victims who practise virtue signalling. See ...

Coming from a male your comments are gross. You are doing nothing but VIRTUE SIGNALLING. It’s a cheap form of manipulation, power play games, and dominance . See ...

The timing is unfortunate unless you stand up for common sense and denounce victimhood and PC culture. Which takes courage. So how about you practise said courage before anything and everything is reduced to fake and soft victimhood!

Being offended for others is disingenuous drivel done to feel superior over others. It’s a cheap and fake form of manipulation and power play.

That’s dumb. It wasn’t a guy so you’re manufacturing a situation that doesn’t exist because you like to feel offended and being offended strangely empowers you to feel more superior to people who ‘don’t get it’ like you do. PC culture is all about power and dominance by telling others “if you’re not as sensitive to

Here’s the answer to your legitimate question. While you were busy living your normal, productive life with normal ways of looking at things including humour, the rest of the country got super obsessed with being offended by anything real or imagined. So when you tuned back into pop culture and didn’t know how to be