World's Moistest Jheri Curl

What was most impressive about his speech is that he didn’t use notes. His quote of Bryan Stevenson “a system of justice that treats you much better if you’re rich and guilty than if you’re poor and innocent. Wealth and not culpability shapes outcomes.” was powerful.

is that judge up for election?

he actually got months of paid leave & desk duty.

@Felice went to my first Santeria party back in ‘03 in Santiago de Cuba. saw that you’re Afro-Cuban and hope you’d share some of your culture.

Puff was never in the running because he doesn’t have the cash. This just feeds his ego

I like Wynton.

looks like a 2dr G-wagen


& public institutions, Temple, have to pay outrageous sums to use this public facility.

there’s no black beach towns in SC. plus some of other notable beach towns do not want bike weeks. HHI wouldn’t and Charleston wouldn’t. What’s galling is that there’s another bike week that doesn’t have aggressive policing.

any idea how the Mercedes Benz X-Class is doing in the market?

not all East Coasters... just THAT idiot

I bought one and it’s pretty fun. I’m sure there’s some dumb idiots that ride them but the overwhelming majority of us enjoy it safely.

nor should they. they’re fun & cheap!


don’t know about this guy’s claim about being the King of anything.

Pusha shouldn’t be getting a pass on this.

you can’t even spin it by saying that he’s trying to highlight the dangers of drug use.

Right let’s not support Hitch which has two minorities in it’s lead because this writer decided that in 2018 films that’s shot in 2003/04 needs to be reexamined for it’s inherent sexism. I love progressive white women. Theres multitudes of rom coms to choose from to write this shitty hit piece yet you guys always find

so you’re asking for him to be fired with no proof that he’s done anything illegal?