World's Moistest Jheri Curl

Right let’s not support Hitch which has two minorities in it’s lead because this writer decided that in 2018 films that’s shot in 2003/04 needs to be reexamined for it’s inherent sexism. I love progressive white women. Theres multitudes of rom coms to choose from to write this shitty hit piece yet you guys always find

so you’re asking for him to be fired with no proof that he’s done anything illegal?

Durant had 0 assists. for someone that’s holding onto the ball as much as he is you’d think he’d luck into 1. he’s killing the team with his iso nonsense.

they mentioned Five-Oh in the trailer...

you would spot something like this in Wilmington

significantly better than being in a group home.

how many kids have you adopted?

I know we shit on Rachel but let’s also acknowledge that she’s adopted black babies when they’re rarely adopted.

if one goes to it’ll let them know about recalls.

Can’t wait for the Ole Miss homers to brag about what a fine institution of academia it is hahahaha

thanks for including these folks email addresses & handles. they should be outed for all to see.

his attorney, George Leontire, is the same guy that outed Aaron Hernandez after he committed suicide.

he’s tenured.

Michael Jordan too?

now if only someone can convince Purdue to spend some money. we’re being overshadowed by the IUs & Northwesterns of the world

My fault with all these videos and actions is that we know the name(s) of the victims but never the officers.

Fuck HamNo & Jez

I’ve always wondered how much does that build cost

google Swedish Car Seats. they’re the best!

they also do this in Wash DC metro area and not just Wash DC proper. I caught one over the weekend in Laurel, MD