
I reject his underlying assumption that he’s relevant enough for anyone to care about this.

Um, metal detectors?

Oh well if you don’t personally know any gun nuts that have shot anyone, then that puts the matter to rest. Phew, glad that’s over, I’ll sleep much better tonight.

Man, if anywhere was going to have a magical bulletproof blanket of thoughts and prayers, it’d be a church on Sunday morning. I’m starting to get the sense that maybe those thoughts and prayers aren’t working as intended.

I like your thinking!

Ha ha I had the same thought when I read that story! I was like “ weren’t going to wash your bowl?”

Also, if you actually look at the box (and I cannot believe that I am putting this much thought into a fucking cereal box), the ninja Pops are clearly wearing full-body yellow ninja outfits. They are tied behind their heads, and they cover everything but the eyes, whereas the janitor Pop (who is, one assumes, the same

They are the same person who litters and pees all over the toilet seat.

The guy who left this cart specifically is the worst. If you loaded your trunk and then pushed the cart to there, you pushed it further to not put it in one of the two racks.

When the cart corral is like 10 feet away.

That dude is EVERYTHING that is wrong with America. Fuck him.

Or instead of just not having coffee for a few days if you’re not in a city. If you really believe you need coffee this badly then insufferable is the word I’d use too.

Or instead of just not having coffee for a few days if you’re not in a city. If you really believe you need coffee

Same. Have you seen Designated Survivor? A scenario like that wouldn’t go amiss.

I don’t give a shit about fur but saying the“majority of people who have ever lived on the planet” didn’t need fur is so factually inaccurate it just makes you look stupid.

Oh, I have. His names rhymes with Dump. But if any crack shot out there wants a twofer..

Hmm try harder? I mean I would, but considering my post has 4X the amount of stars as yours, I don’t think I need to.