
“It was terrible! The summary was an entire two pages and there wasn’t a SINGLE bullet point!”

“The game’s protagonist Iden Versio will have her cost reduced to 5,000 credits.”

What an incredibly American and thus completely wrong take.

The way they did her name tag makes it look like her name is Kathleen Hartnett and her qualifications are being white. Which... yeah that checks out.

Look up the Lac-Mégantic railway disaster. And they aren’t anti-progress, they are anti-shit being forced through their land. Progress is finding alternatives to oil.

What are the others? Because that is a terrible idea.

Yes, I agree. This also should have been common sense. I believe the justification was something dumb like they thought no one drank it till they got were they were going so they still wanted it to be hot by then.

Is Washpost really a thing? Why not Wa. Post? Or, you know, Washington Post. Washpost does not sounds like a credible news agency. It sounds like where I hang my wet unmentionables on a warm day.

Is that headline grammatically correct? I’ve been awake for like 36 hours and just don’t have the brain power to process it but it just doesn’t sound right.

I didn’t say seeking compensation was stupid, I said putting hot coffee in her crotch was stupid. And if she was so old as to be mentally unsound, which I have seen zero allusions too and I’m sure if it was true would have been used in the court case, then common sense still should have been applied and the driver

If they do an article it should be more about how terrible it was when they tried to railroad her and all the misinformation that was spread, not so much her being the hero of hot coffee. It is kind of glorifying doing something stupid if it ultimately has a good result. We still need to encourage people to use common

I see a lot of people comparing this to Weinstein and Cosby and... that just sounds crazy to me. Unless I’ve completely missed something we have accounts of three women that consented but kind of felt weird about it later, two who said no and that was it, and the weird phone incident which would be impossible to prove

As long as we can agree Sega Genesis sucks and the Super Nintendo is awesome and if you don’t agree my dad can beat up your dad.

“Woman puts sleeping man’s finger on phone” doesn’t really bring in the clicks. This is not a couple fighting “in public.” It’s a couple fighting in an already cramped, undersized, metal death tube screaming through the air thousands of miles above the ground full of cramped knees and circulated farts to the point it

Surely if the writers wife has been with him this long and any of those are true concerning the daddies wife it would have already come up, occams razor says he’s just trying to have his cake and eat it too. I can see him not wanting to get involved before but if he joins the relationship then he is being directly

Lets keep in my trump jr is “college educated.” It doesn’t mean as much as it used to.

I mean if someone else did help him plan it chances are they know about themselves.

So they can feel secure in saying a white guy is not technically a terrorist.

Do you honestly believe there is nothing between responsible gun owner and outright murderer? Think real hard now.

These kinds of people don’t care about your silly facts. Their precious guns are more important than actual human lives.