
I was going to say just this. The mannequins are darker than the “ninjas” as well. There’s really nothing to apologize for here, the pr department probably knee jerked it out before ever even talking to the artist, but things like facts don’t usually play much of a role in indignant outrage.

There is always something we can do about it. After all we aren’t British, and slavery is illegal.

Honestly I don’t think they expect this to go through. I think they are throwing this ridiculous disgusting thing out there knowing it is going to get shot down and in a few weeks they spew out another one that’s like 10 weeks with an exception for rape figuring people will go “well, its a lot better than the last


I’m guessing you missed there part about were he wants the state to make it a felony.

The guy that leaves their shopping cart in the parking spot.

How? How does anyone not look at this administration and not see pure evil? How can anyone be that stupid and still function?

I’m guessing labor camps for “anchor babies.” Or as any decent person would call them, US citizens.


Exactly. You know how I find out where my wife is in the rare instance I need to know her exact location? I call her. Needing to lojack your SO to not freak out is not healthy. That is a castle built on sand.

This was going to be my advice and I am sober. Yeah plan for the future but live for the now. When you are laying on your deathbed from super polio brought about by anti-vaxers I’d be willing to bet you’d rather have memories to look back on than a well rounded 401k.

And? Movies are art. The Mona Lisa is art. Are you saying the brushes it was painted with wouldn’t deserve to be in a museum?

History only has like 6 shows, on repeat, ad nauseam. I do like Forged in Fire though, just to hear that one guy say “It... will keeeeell.”

Finished watching Game of Thrones seasons 6 and 7 for the first time after holding out this long for the books first. I had remained more or less spoiler free till an asshole spoiled one of the biggest plot points so I didn’t see the point in holding out any longer. There is a special place in hell for people that use

To be fair there isn’t much to get. This isn’t some deep Machiavellian ego we are diving into, its an angry toddler getting pissy over the most recent time he shit himself.

Yep. Still don’t get why there are so many fans of someone “pretending” to be an asshole. But then again being an asshole apparently gets you to be president so what do I know.

Honestly I don’t think he should play anything competitively. Not because he’s “too good” or any such nonsense, but because he can’t do it in a healthy way. He said outright he sees losing as death. Suggesting overwatch instead of smash is just telling an alcoholic to try whiskey instead of vodka.

That’s pretty much what I was thinking. He doesn’t deserve to be harassed but he should really seek some professional help. That bit about rock paper scissors is really telling. He literally sees losing as death.

What’s the odds on Dump tweeting about how great Arpaio is and how sad and unAmerican the judge is in the morning? Something tells me his tiny ego won’t let this go quietly.

Jesus. Kinja sites are just flooded with horrible, horrible advice today. Did someone piss in the office coffee pot? what is wrong with you people?