Plates Webb

He was 30 minutes late, pretty standard for the closing act at a festival tbh.

bring on the bee hive.

This isn't the first time Beyonce has been accused of something like this. We may love her, but the Countdown video is straight plagiarism with no credit given (and denial after the fact). If there's anything we can learn from history……

Agreed- that's why I liked her though. She was nuanced- not perfect but clearly stepping up when she's in over head. We felt empathy for her in this, so maybe I just expected more in the finale…

I didn't say I "didn't like how the character was written." I said that the show throws away a well developed character by falling prey to a tired trope: that girls can't rise above their emotions towards boys…

Because Naz doesn't suffer as a result. What the test asks us to consider as viewers is whether a plot portrays women as something more than just subjects to their feelings towards men. This show did a great job of that for the most part, agreed, but I just think its a throw-away direction to have Chandra's downfall

I hear you. But the point I'm getting at is just that Chandra was a powerful character, then she gets thrown away because she can't put her job or legal values above a boy crush… I'm not saying get rid of the "love-interest" part- it has merit. Or that the show is "sexist." But the execution of this "romance" could

Look, I don't rely on this test to tell me whether a movie definitively portrays women in a sexist light or not. That's pretty simplistic (though, incidentally, that's kind of the point of the test). When its used in a directional sense, the test is telling. Especially when we look at Chandra's character, who was set

Ah- right. Monday…

You mean when they fire Allison Crowe? I was thinking of that too. Sure- it suffices. Still though…

They actually did explain this in the show, if you remember. He said that he had been stationed at a more permanent post-trial location but moved due to family travel issues. Sure, may be a bit contrived, but they definitely addressed it.

I'm fairly certain this show doesn't pass the Bechdel test. At least I can't be certain off the top of my head, which is problematic in and of itself.

I actually like this application a lot, but the show hasn't exactly communicated this clearly. That said, we are seeing strong associations between his finding of a cure and his newfound competence/confidence.

It's starting to feel more and more like a red herring… but I think there's something they're setting up (or at least hope so).

The last 5 minute bit of this episode was some of the best work we've seen out of this show to date (I'm starting to love the score). Also, even though the kiss felt out of place, Amara Karan's performance in this episode was spot on.

Take Naz's inhaler, for example. It is a condition he deals with, and it is brought in as a way for the audience (and Box) to initially empathize with Naz. But that's not the end of it. The inhaler also serves a function (both in the plot and thematically) in last night's episode… Box is accused on the witness stand

So if someone were to sneeze 100+ times in a movie, but the sneezes are never explained or made relevant, you're cool with that? Not sure what your getting at, Data…

BIG QUESTION: Didn't the coroner say the blood on the knife was the defendant's? And didn't the prosecutor rest her case when he said that?? Um… I'd think that if Naz' blood was the only blood on the knife, Stone could make the case that, hmm, the knife might not be the murder weapon? Sometime slap me if I'm going

I really had all these same feelings watching this episode last night. We're either in for another senseless trip down HBO Masturbatory Bullshit Lane (i.e. Vinyl, True Detective) or all these erratic enigmas will somehow come together beautifully in true mystery fashion. End of the day, this sucker needs a twist. Who

Also, if Stone is so self-conscious about his feet, why does he always call people out for staring at him when he's itching them right in front of people IN PUBLIC. I'm hoping the eczema serves some plot purpose in the end, otherwise its just gratuitous…