Plates Webb

Or that he did another “favor” for her... given the awkwardness

I think the implication here is that they had sex...

Got u


Can’t wait to see the movie

It’s funny...



This comment, my friend, made me laugh very hard.

It wouldn't… but Mad King was "mad" so even if they did allude to it, it would be in the context of "evil" (i.e. the mad king married his sister because he's a dick mad king). Also we saw the same vibes between Vicerys and Dany early on (incestual)… basically every chance the show has had to frame incest in a bad

I mean, I personally do understand that medieval times were different. But the show doesn't seems to equate 100% to our non-fictional perception of "medieval." Jamie and Cercei's incest is pretty much the most absolutely immoral action in the show (to the point where he tried to kill Bronn and does kill Ned because of

Ah. Right… TOTALLY forgot about that. I'm chill with that… just still wondering how they're going to approach the whole Dany + Jon incest thing. They don't seem to be presenting multiple options.

Does it make sense to ship Gendry and Dany? Since that kinda takes care of the incest thing? Or maybe he'll marry Sansa? Seems like a high quality suitor with some nice, thick royal blood…

Or whether Asante_sana has discovered the concept of irony?

Ryan 2020

yuk. I'm used to big ones from ponds in MS and GA, so haven't had the unfortunate experience of fish goo… I find them quite easy to filet.

My dad is an avid fried fish lover, forged by his childhood in Mississippi eating fried catfish. He passed that gene down to me. If you're a human with taste buds, you should give sandwiches like this a try. If you don't want to stoop down to fast food levels (even though arguably hamburger meat is much more difficult

Honestly that would be amazing if she came in to PiperChat.

Nice one, mate. My argument rests. I'm out.

She did come back briefly in Meinertzhagen's Haversack and I was so excited, but it lasted all of 2 minutes before she extorted them and they went back to square one. Still- a very funny scene.