Plates Webb

The song playing during the King's Landing sequence was amazing, in my opinion.

So which of Cercei's little bros is gonna kill her?

Can I posit that the entire battle was a dream sequence? Seriously people, how on earth was John not struck by a single arrow or trampled by that stampede of clashing cavalry?

The suffocation sequence reminds me A LOT of the Battle of the Crater (Siege of Petersburg) scene at the beginning of "Cold Mountain." Found Here:…

Either way, that's a lot of eunuchs

true. But 8002… right? Greyworm is one of the 8,000?

Penultimate: Lady Stoneheart
Ultimate: Hanging of Brienne

So all 3 of the show's eunuchs have convened under Dany… I'm trying to find the thematic resonance here…

Don't forget…
1. Hyper intelligent, semi-drunken imp who has demonstrated an ability to rally troops and win battles.
2. 3 Castrated advisers, one currently MIA (Varys, Grey Worm, Theon)

Also, its telling and appropriate for his own dogs to be the ones killing him. It's poetic justice in a way- you reap what you sow. You don't feed your dogs, and they eat you. It's perfectly symoblic…

Penultimate: LSH Reveal
Ultimate: Hanging Brienne…

Anybody else think back to the Battle of the Crater/Siege of Petersburg scene at the beginning of Cold Mountain?

I am no expert, but I really enjoy reading these "expert" forums. That said, I think the penultimate cliffhanger and final scene of this season will be the Lady Stoneheart reveal.

Caught them at Brooklyn Bowl a few nights ago right before this album was released (they came straight from recording on Seth Meyers promoting it)… the last time I had this much fun at a show was the first time I saw Diarrhea Planet a few years ago.

Agreed that this episode was Silicon operating at top caliber. But man was I looking forward to seeing Gilfoyle and Dinesh break in to the PP office to re-wire Anton (or whatever the plan was)… Also, wish they would bring Carla back as a staple member.

No qualms here. Just noting for reference.

"In the acting categories, DiCaprio will vie for the prize against newly branded “comedian” Matt Damon, Steve Jobs’ Michael Fassbender, Oscar-bait specialist Eddie Redmayne, and Bryan Cranston, the only one of the five who wasn’t nominated at the Golden Globes last weekend."

Went to the The Big Short and then watched Interstellar on my couch. Also re-watched the second season of Silicon Valley. So I got to watch Matt Damon be an astronaut (again) and Zach Woods and Steve Carell make jokes. Not bad

The only thing that could make this trailer/movie more exciting would be Will Smith emerging from a fighter jet at the very end, punching an alien and saying, "Now that's what I call a close encounter."

Does anyone remember what the address of the boarding house was in the movie?