plateia lumitar

Except obviously it was going to be done with their blessing, so both those choices are idiotic at best.

Sucks to be you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Fuck you.

The key to enjoying Vagrant Story is leveling your weapons properly. Without purposeful weapon use, you’ll be confused and hitting everything for 0 damage. You can either dedicate a weapon to each type of enemy, or have three weapons do double duty.

Me reading his comment: Haha, he said ‘TAINT!

Sekiro should easily win GoT. At least in my books. 

It could be 100% pork and 0% beef. If that’s vegan than I’ll reconsider my opinion of vegan.

If it’s not middle school then why are so many people butthurt all the time

Oh c’mon, every time you report on this story you invent some bullshit to make that pice of shit look like an innocent victim.
He used his weapon a few minutes before to rob someone, and did hold it close enough to his victims face that he could tell the 911 exactly what model it was.
And if you would actually take a

I fucking love sugary fatty milk in my sugar coated breakfast shapes. 

This is tort law 101.


Now I’m confused. Am I getting Swoyer’s argument right?

I think you guys are overblowing this thing a little too much.

Pardon me while I eat jumbo shrimp in deafening silence on the elevated subway. You have to admit its an awfully pretty sight sight to eat on the train. It’s kind of an open secret definitely maybe. 

They aren’t the majority. They’re just the loudest voices.

“Donkey Kong”

Hey, someone disagrees with Laserface1242, so instead of engaging with the person in a discussion on a forum designed for exactly that, you should dismiss him so that we maintain our righteous echo chamber.

“The issue is not whether something is offensive”

Yes it is, because offense is EXACTLY AS SUBJECTIVE AS HUMOR.

“In response to this director’s comment that pop culture is too sensitive these days, here’s an snarky, backhanded screed about how offended we are by his remarks.”