plateia lumitar

I come on now, your faux outrage is as bad as the faux outrage in this article.  She is/was an MMA fighter.  Getting hit in the face is kindof what they do.  I think when they’re getting paid millions of dollars to get hit in the face, using a picture of same is considered fair game.

This kind of anger and hatred is not healthy. You seem like a disturbed individual to be holding onto so much vitriol over things that have absolutely nothing to do with you. It takes a lot of people to make a game these days and if you really wanted to dig I’m sure you could find bad quotes and mistakes on any number

When did Kotaku stop being a game news blog, to a place to post personal vendettas because x y z ?

This console is worth it just for Landstalker!!!

You shut up with your logic and facts! We have powerful women to go after!

right, because the death penalty screams pro-life.

And the exemption for farmers is ridiculous.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

Too bad I just uninstalled and installed the Division 2.

Not a fan? ;)

Holy shit, I should not have read that wiki piece. Enough internet for me today methinks. 

You forgot the /s...

Article I, Section 9, Clause 8

I think we have a beef with almost anyone here because there’s a lack of courage. It seems like we’re all radical because we deeply care about the people we represent and we want to throw down for them

Last night for me.

Honestly though when was the last time you played an ArenaNet game


There is no rationale with gamerz

This is ridiculously ignorant on so many levels.

Shut the fuck up with that drooling right wing propaganda nonsense.