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I understand the other point of view. There have been times when I have been so blasted by borderlines that I haven’t been very kind and another borderline set me straight. I think that it’s possible to be compassionate and yet also to protect yourself. Not everyone is sensitive and suffers from anxiety. Borderlines

Thank you. I really appreciate this. It takes a courage to apologize and admit a mistake. I did read your comment to TheVagenius last night, although now I’m having trouble finding it again. (grr kinja.) It was somewhat helpful to hear where you’re coming from. I’m glad she was able to communicate what I couldn’t, and

My experiences with borderlines have been so bad that I have learned how to recognize them early on and to run in the opposite direction. Borderlines and people with anxiety don’t mix.

I know this is a sensitive subject, but I hate for anyone to get this hurt and upset over a blog comments section discussion. I wish you well and I’m truly sorry all this was so hard for you.

This is really brave and mature.

Dude, shes totally about all of that. Her carrying on about how gawker posters make everything “about race” is a dead giveaway.

Yes. Go and let the door hit you and your ugly. Ignorant, nasty bitch.

Yes. Im not bipolar or bpd, and I too find you to be an ignorant, selfcentered obnoxious asshole. Grow up and grow a brain

MEA culpa. Jeez

It’s really hard when you unknowingly say something offensive or put your foot in it that way. I remember, cringingly, some really stupid things I said when I first moved from my conservative home town. I’d be mortified if anyone I know now knew I’d said that, or if people thought that my ignorance was intentional or

I don’t think you mean to be offensive, and my comment isn’t meant to attack you. Your comments stood out to me and I wanted to tell you why.

I’m not offended in the least, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with your statement. People who are bipolar and/or have BPD can be very, very difficult to maintain a relationship/friendship with and sometimes it can be impossible to sustain, depending on the person you’re dealing with.

However, to say that the

Do not lend out your books, do not lend out your books, do not lend out your books....

But why would you want someone in your life who says horrible things they don’t mean? And not just to you, but to the other people you love? I’m all for being supportive but there comes a point where a person’s actions, no matter where those actions stem from, are just unacceptable. Mental illness isn’t an excuse to


I disagree. Sometimes, you don’t realize how toxic a person was for you until you get some time and distance. 25 years ago, one of my best friends and I had a massive falling out. She cut contact with me - because SHE had done something awful and then she got upset that I dared to be angry about the thing she did.

Recovering addicts can lash out horribly at others. They turn their self-hating outwards. At least, that’s what I’ve seen from the addicts in my life. They may not be using, but the issues they have are still there.

I hope details have been changed so it’s harder to tell who it is.

There are really no good scripts for how friendships end.

1. Great article, glad that this so-called “friend” is out of your life and that you were able to end with closure.