Waitressing in cowboy boots sounds like a ticket to a busted nose (due to lack of safety soles) or back problems (due to lack of cushioning). I am impressed.
Waitressing in cowboy boots sounds like a ticket to a busted nose (due to lack of safety soles) or back problems (due to lack of cushioning). I am impressed.
How many times has your manuscript about the oppression of white males in the 21st century been rejected?
Sophistry is fun but you are complaining about “becky” being racist and couldn’t figure out why I was talking about AA on a AA comment thread so don’t let me get in the way of your pseudointellectual masturbation bang
lol the best part is you think you won this when you keep doing exactly what I was trying to get you to do
My goal was to make it clear you were here for the white-guy concern trolling and get you to say some really dumb shit and you delivered, it’s all good.
Yeah i too think the real problem driving Trump supporters is racism against white people.
Tell me more.
Yeah especially when racism is against white people, #allbeckysmatter
“I wasn’t focusing on the article”
You are replying to a post about the Fisher v Texas SCOTUS case and you don’t know what AA means in this context?
And you think I’m the one with reading probelms? LOL
Monica Lewinsky has been legitimately harassed for something she did not file a lawsuit about
So, too lazy for the full AA troll, got it.
hahaha someone complaining that becky is racist against whites and then trying to work in “woke”
What the fuck? How is this in any way analogous? Also Bill Clinton IS a rapist.
Bill Clinton is a rapist, though? Isn't he? It's better than just screaming Bengazi.
I don’t know the answer to that question, and I would argue it’s irrelevant because people aren’t numbers and shouldn’t be treated as such. Diversity of life experiences is important in any community, and a university student body is no exception.
Only a Becky would leave a comment like this.
Surprisingly, people not part of a culture defining the meanings of things created by that culture in direct opposition to what they actually mean FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE ACTUAL CULTURE doesn’t mean shit.
Yes, the Official Online Slang Dictionary and Quora are where the real definitions of slang created by Black people can be found. How can I possibly argue with that? You...you win. I will hang my head in shame now that I have been properly educated about the real meanings of slang terms created by, well, my own…
Lol, no.
Lol, really? Please explain how.
No reason to be more ashamed of a tutoring gig than any other type of employment (regardless of what the result was; like, seriously, should Apple store employees be ashamed of working for Apple because they’re implicitly supporting the horrible treatment of factory workers overseas?). Your boyfriend sounds like a…