Plastic Soul

I'll check with my cousin Ruairidh.

isn't it accepted universally as fact that Kirkland Vodka is Grey Goose?

She actually goes by Talia Head for public business dealings in the comics.

Wait, did you really miss a chance to mention Tsui Hark in an article? If you don't, who will?!


It was still happening on reservations less than *40* years ago.

I love that they had to *add* hair to make him look believably aged.

The original was a movie that only kinda-sorta worked because of Hawn and Russell's we're actually-a-couple chemistry. I can't think of anyone else in the roles that don't make it 'While You Were Sleeping' levels of creepy.

One of the weirdest artifacts I remember from the 90s was a series of Punisher specials that were literally just drawings of guns with frank castle's thoughts on how to best kill people with them on page after page. At the time, I think there were an astounding THREE punisher monthly series.

The movie came out when I was 8, and we were supposed to see it as part of the birthday party of a friend. The showing was sold out, however, so instead his mom took me and a classroom worth of 1st graders to Fried Green Tomatoes.

I have nothing related to this movie to contribute, but I *can* say that as a child, I was only aware of Bigfoot the monster truck, and not the mythical creature. This lead to confusion when I'd watch Beetlejuice, daily, and Geena Davis said 'Adam, you had a photo of Bigfoot!' dismissively. WHAT DOES A SWEET TRUCK

Lukas pushed for the aliens, the gophers, and the vine-swinging sequence. Not sure which of them is to blame for the fridge, though.

Shamefully still haven't gotten around to that one. After the last book, I was a bit hesitant to jump into another modern King novel in that world, so it's been on my shelf for 5 years.

Absolutely. Though he was pretty much the same in Wizard and Glass, I guess.

Lost City of Zinj?

where do people from flyover states fly to?

DS9 did a similar episode, and the whole 'some people woke up and created a society (until they became monsters or something)' twist was also the plot of 2008's not-very-good 'Pandorum'.

Eh, we know Batty and crew had a 4 year, but I never got the idea that was the universal rule - Tyrell could make them live different amounts, it just had to be done at incept and couldn't be changed after.

Eh, teenagers lie to their parents about where they were the night before all the time.

A few thoughts - I enjoyed this a lot, though the pacing in the first act was all over the place, and I found it difficult to care about anything happening on screen until after Jedha's destruction. The level of screentime given to Uncanny Valley Tarkin was the biggest misstep I can think of off hand - when we first