Not as small as you might think.
Not as small as you might think.
Since Kojima's few statements about the game have been along the same 'communication' themes he was on about in Phantom Pain, I honestly wouldn't be shocked if the game turns out to be entirely dialogue free.
It seems like most of Harlin's early hollywood career was stepping in last second after a bigger directory dropped out.
For those interested, Mondo is putting out the Gremlins 2 soundtrack on vinyl… tomorrow, i think?
"James Cameron changes the way action movies will look forever by introducing CGI" … along with an Orange and Teal color scheme that still haunts us to this day. At least he used it *well* though, dammit.
The house the Dunphy's live in on 'Modern Family' is a few blocks from me. Even in LA, which is usually pretty laid back on this front, someone's added it to Google maps and seemingly every social media service with locations. I've never even seen the show, but figured all this out because twitter kept insisting I was…
Kojima game trailers are the closest our reality gets to Rick and Morty's Interdimensional Cable episodes.
Saw this a few months back. Enjoyed it, but not something I'll ever watch again in all likelihood. A few scenes feel too voyeuristic for me.
I've seen 4 of these bands live, topping last year's 3 - though it's worth noting I saw them in 2015 or earlier, which is kinda weird.
The best part about Graffiti Bridge was The Kid living in a …bunker, I guess? under his club.
Maybe he was in the whale song program at Berklee.
Basically the TSA model of success.
Has Ted Kaczynski released a review of Civil War yet?
For Your Consideration: I rewatched Judge Dredd on Netflix yesterday, and while it sure as hell ain't the real Dredd, it's better than you remember it being.
While I'd agree with that in general, this particular rollercoaster feels like it comes to a dead stop every 15 seconds, throws giant signs in your face telling you what's going to happen once it resumes, then delivers exactly that before stopping again.
I got the impression that this was the first time Bernard got someone else to hold a gun, and certainly the first time he had every intention of killing Ford once the talk was over.
the implication was that he's already been running one, and she'd expose it.
That's one of the bits that bugs me more than others. I mean, does Westworld take place in a universe where Google never existed? The park's creation would be a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and any middle aged guy capable of creating Turing test passing AI within a year of starting work is going to have some…
As the show goes on, I'm having a harder time reconciling the film-Hammond-esque Ford we got in the first few episodes with the novel-Hammond we've been getting since. Does that line up with the long halt in production at all?