Why were we not consulted???!!?!?!
You could also come talk to us handy-dandy nutjobs over on Live And Let Diecast for helpful tips and advice.
An RV fire between Redwood City and San Carlos, California brought traffic to an extended halt, prompting one guy to…
Ahh, the old unashamed blaming of others for one’s bad decisions + public demonstration of assholeness. Classic combo, that one.
Or, do what I do and stay clear of the internet until I’ve seen it
Shamelessly stolen from the Reddit thread about this:
Makes sense that the Rams would wear white, seeing as they haven’t scored yet.
In the venerable words of Ice Cube: check yourself, before you wreck yourself...
Good news for you, they’d never release specific lyrics.
That’s simply idiotic, though your admission of being part of CM makes sense. There is NOTHING glorious about this. Reckless riders put the rest of us at risk by pissing off drivers.