oh the deer ! he needs his own show ! zombie deer of georgia-coming soon…
oh the deer ! he needs his own show ! zombie deer of georgia-coming soon…
now are they gonna find the empty plastic bag the pill came in with the water bottle & i-pod in the coffin a little later on ? negan obviously suspects eugene had something to do with sasha's death. and why (i guess it was in the comics) as a wise person already pointed out would the assumed "on negans side" sasha…
winslow !
yes ! it sure did. why weren't any bullets hitting their trucks as they drove away in retreat ? and what happened to the wolves ? were they all killed off or did they disband & i missed it ?
i too thought "justus" was and is a masterpiece ! "regional girl" kills ! and it's all them playing ! i just wish mike had a lead vocal. i love "unlucky star". now "pool it" i can live without,but "heart & soul" works. "good times" is by far better than "justus" but i'll always love it.
i sense a future make out scene with travis & asian chick. stay tuned.
well with all this down time you can learn to spell.
good one ! you tell 'em ! bravo !
oh man ! that was a l o n g walk wasn't it ?
oh thanks ! i didn't hear the "nice kitty". that's hilarious. that commune was depressing. i'm sure it's true to life.
yes ! please ! thank you ! and besides he's ugly !
and did you notice in the food truck was that pasta maker in a box that the now dead alexandria woman kept asking for.
the doctor & the other fat chick who guards the supplies ate it all !
you know i noticed that too ! on "the actors studio" she was SO british. i guess she turns it on & off. good episode though.
yes ! perfect ! rat-faced looking confused & stupid permanently ! such an astute observation. might be time to end the show.
hey yeah what happened to that plan ? the herd just turned around & headed back to alexandria ? at least "dave grohl wolf" is finally dead. thanks morgan. i was so hoping carol would shoot him.
just wait til "fear" comes back & we're on a damn boat ! zombie overboard ! can zombies swim and/or float ?
rave kids ! brilliant !
morgan is an asshole ! carol should have killed him and dave grohl jr. aka the wolf. the dr. is a fat lesbian. deanna should've eaten the baby anyway. but sam ! so he's a mincing little mama's boy listening to "tiny tim" (who only means something to someone my age 59) whatta mess ! they all need to die and start over.…