
You were at the Brudnell gig! And possibly the Scala show the year before?

Holy shit that's it: Nathan Barley, that's what he reminds me of.

Side 2 of that album is pretty much perfect.

There's a brief mention in the context of his marriage and his son's birth, but yeah nothing substantial. I actually dig Lucky Town - it would have been a classic if he'd had the E Street Band backing him. Human Touch has a few really good tracks.

I've not listened to Adams before, but that is a description that seems aimed straight at me.

Her solo stuff sounds a bit like Kimya Dawson

The worrying thing isn't the idea of half of the voting population being Nazis, but that that group of people probably wouldn't mind if the Nazis did take over.


And it was made by Charlie Brooker (now of Black Mirror fame for those following in the US)

He's signature move is to insult your profile picture because he is an actual child.

"Donald Trump is […] a comedic masterstroke" - A.A. Dowd

I dislike Clarkson thoroughly, but that does make me very happy.

I mean the Americans did too to begin with…

Really like this - they're sounding bigger than on Ugly Cherries but with the same sense of fun and great lyrics.

Can't wait for this album. LC! haven't released a bad record yet, and the other tracks they've put out ahead of this - 'I Broke Up in Amarante' and '5 Flucoxacillin' - suggest this is going to be similarly fantastic. (Plus the ones I heard live in December like 'A Sad Slow Death' sounded great too.)

I'm so glad there are other LC! geeks around!

The first album he was consciously trying to write like Stephen Malkmus - you can see him start to develop his own voice on (of course) the darker songs on Hold On Now, Youngster, which were the last ones to be written for the album.

I still don't know the real reason Ollie left, and yeah he did seem fun, but Jason is an incredible drummer

I miss having the violin, but live it isn't really noticeable. I think Tom uses an e-bow on 'The Sea is a Good Place…' which is one of the few tracks that needs it. In general they've tightened up the live sound a bit.

Are you saying he might be the Duke of Earl?