A dab is a type of fish.
A dab is a type of fish.
I always thought dab meant concentrated weed oil. I had no idea this dance was a thing and I’m a youth. I feel so out of touch.
My students do this all the time. I think it looks ridiculous, and tell them so. If only they could see video of themselves looking that dumb in 20 years, they would think twice about dabbing every three seconds.
As a 50 year old Aussie, what I find the most hilarious is that what you Americans consider far left extremists is pretty much the mainstream in most of the rest of the western world.
Absolutely. My ultra conservative family still dismisses my liberalism because I’m “young.” But I get more liberal, in terms of what they would consider liberal, as the years go on. If I’m a 35 year old with a spouse, a mortgage, a buncha kids, have now been in the work force for 20 years, how much more of an adult do…
A large percentage of Americans don’t have the mental capacity to move past the idea that the government is taking their hard-earned money and giving it to lazy people.
Agreed. I usually hear it spouted by people who had no head when they were 20, and never decided to get one.
My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.
Remind me again... Greek Organizations serve exactly what academic goals?
I am trying to compile a list of things that young men do when placed together in large poorly-supervised groups that benefit humanity.
it is very sad, but at the same time guys like this are dangerous; they can do a lot of damage and harm a lot of people and really don’t care about that, and because of that they need to be made extinct if our species is going to survive. i won’t miss the breed if we ever manage to eradicate it.
Now women can fully share in the experience of being entitled Harvard assholes.
Uft, I wish that I would have been able to go to bed at 10pm. I also did all sorts of music (band, pit, orchestra, extra advanced band in the morning). So I was at school from 7 am to 5pm or sometimes 10pm if it was show week.
No kidding! I honestly don’t understand how some people still believe that there is something inherently good and virtuous about getting up early. My mom constantly gave me shit for sleeping in when I lived at home. And you know what? I was my most productive at night, when she was already sleeping. She was an early…
Definitely a great habit. But for many kids, not feasible. Sports matches held away could easily go late into the night. For kids who work jobs or help their families on top of those extracurriculars, those late nights can be a common reality.
redacted. troll. this is fucking stupid I just want to go home and nap now.
We should not rest until we have done everything to protect the lives of unborn children.
I think a spite buy is when you make a big show out of buying stuff to show that you have a lot of money?
The thought, the way Renee explained it to me, was to purchase to make it clear to that person that one had the money they doubted one had. I don’t think the idea of a commission even factored in.