
Am I the only one who read it as "Fourteen big titties hitting this year" ?

Hate to sound like a broken record, but my wife & I enjoy playing it, but I don't think I'd pay for it. It makes no sense to pay for it when the chances of getting chosen for the mob or the one are so slim. Now I'd pay for it if it guaranteed me a spot in the mob at least once per season.

Don't tease me bro! Man.. what could have been :/

I'll watch it when it comes out on Blu-ray and I can get it at my local Redbox location for free using my "breakroom" code.

I hope there is a lite version to try out for free.

I wish there was a "lite" version of the game so I could try it out.

Old 97s "Time Bomb (LIVE)"

I would enjoy having sexual intercourse with her.

Heart of ice...melting slowly.