
Amen to that.. I thought it was supposed to be all stealth like, so why the hell is the dude shouting constantly

I'm not sure. Nothing else is blurry. It's like IE9 has ClearType constantly enabled or something.

I'm not sure.. It's like ClearType is constantly enabled or something. Everything else looks fine on the computer.

I'd like to give IE9 a try, but I can't figure out how to turn ClearType off.. Everything is just too blurry, the option used to be there, but isn't now.

Interesting. A guy on Reddit posted an AMA back in Dec about how his HS gave everyone an iPad.

@sansa: It's from "Me, Myself & Irene"

That's a pretty nice looking clock/weather widget. Anyone know the name of it?

Awesome, I love that LWP, is there any way to get it currently?

Hmm.. Just in time for tax return season here in the States.. Well played Nintendo.. Well played.

@Zubieta: Amen. I finally get to retire my 1st gen iPod Touch.. It's going to be great!

@chrispy: I'd like to know this as well.. I have a 1st gen iPod Touch and even in it's rubber case the thing got scratched up.. I've yet to use any newer iPod Touch so I'm not sure if it's been improved since.

@makinc: I'd like to see it with every curse word.. For some reason I find censor "beeps" super hilarious.

@wozburger: Wow.. seems like a big thing to leave out.

Can you not add stuff to or view your regular queue??

@Eskobar: Yea it's bound to go on sale sooner or later.. I'd suspect probably around the Holidays. Love the game, hated paying $15 for it.

@Solday: Could have been worse.. he could have suggested that they use "Let the bodies hit the floor"

@josh6135: Linkin Park murdered his puppy when he was a young man. You didn't know that?

*Looks at his MyTouch 3G* Soon my son.. Soon.

This uses Android?? :j

@YankBoffin: I read your whole post as Adam West's Batman during one of his puzzle solving discussions with Robin.