
Wonder how long it will be before Jack Thompson pays a group of parents to send their kids there and have them beat up other kids and turn the story back to "Video Games = Violent Kids"

Not really seeing a reason for all the hate.. Like any of you wouldn't trade places with him in a heart beat. The guy gets paid money to play video games.. I'm sure 99% of you have said "Man if I could only get paid to play games!" at some point or another.

IIRC, Isn't RB2 a Xbox 360 timed exclusive?

Shooooot, you may as well wait for Wiimote 2.0 to come out that has it built in, cuz ya know they've got to be working on it already.

So that's how I could have made my Wii useful.

Nice update. Sadly it's only a matter of time before the thread descends into "The music you like sucks, the music I like is superior" madness.

They shoulda taken the $10* million.

Seems pretty slow & clunky. But, I'll rent it anyway, just to try it.

Hey what's all this talk about fucking!?

Again, wouldn't the standard warning in the manuals and before the game starts be good enough?? They could call the game a diagnostic tool for epilepsy.

Awesome stuff. Hope this is part of the stuff you can carry over to World Tour.

Remember seeing that "back in the day" when HL2 was first coming out, there were quite a few others as well that were pretty badarse.

Funny, but Castle-Vidcons FTW

Overall everything looks pretty good.. Luckily you don't have to use the Avatars if you don't want to. Much better looking that Mii's as well. The dashboard looks really good as well.

I'm sure by the time you're finished with the inevitable tutorial levels, you'll be pro-swinging in no time... Unless the levels you played were tutorial levels..

GHz: "Yeah, apparently, the game fails some sort of epilepsy tests, so until they manage to stop the game."