
Cool deal. Sh*tty pizza, but still a good deal.

The voice over was ok.. for the first 10 seconds.. then it just went on too long.

Soo is it me or does Sam Fisher age the opposite of Snake?? Every new game Sam is in he looks younger and younger. Soon we'll have "Splinter Cell: I make wee-wee good daddy!?"

Will anybody really care by 2012?

Wow.. Jimmy Buffet in a Rock Band? WTF? And people have the nerve to say the music in Guitar Hero sucks. Not that there is anything wrong with Jimmy Buffet, but shouldn't this be in Karaoke Revolution instead?

Ugh. Again I'm still not understanding all the hate for Guitar Hero.. You can't compare Rock Band to Guitar Hero. The fair comparison would be Rock Band & Guitar Hero: World Tour, since they're actually similar in every way. And now that the two games are actually the same, why would you automatically hate GH:WT but

chinesedentist: "Tired of simply ripping off Rock Band, Guitar Hero has now moved on to ripping off those "Real Men of Genius" radio beer commercials."

Mario Kart Wii

Come on now Mr. Kim, Don't pull a Hillary Clinton on us with all this "goal post" moving mess!

Also, anyone remember playing Soul Calibur 2 on Xbox @ 720p?? Now that was tough to handle.. talk about tiny.

Not sure why everyone is crying over the bars.. Sure I could be smug about it and say "Meh... I'll stick to playing by myself on my DC version, that'll show them!" But how does that really benefit me? If the only "issue" is some black bars then so be it. The HD graphics, Surround sound, Online play & Achievements more

Good stuff. Sadly I only got 2 days worth of Mario Kart play before GTA came out.. and I haven't looked back since.

Since GH4 kinda upped the ante (if it works well) with the new drum kit, I'm afraid Rock Band 2 is going to have to respond with an updated version of their own.. thus you would have 3 sets of drums and divorce papers on your hands..

"Please understand that the Wii console is a complex electronic device"

I'll probably just scoop up the game by itself at first.. I'm still trying to master the drums on Rock Band, so I don't need to get wrapped up in GH4's uber drums.. What I do find funny is all the Guitar Hero hate that's going on.. It wasn't so long ago that Rock Band didn't even exist and EVERYONE loved Guitar Hero.

Looks pretty sweet. The visuals don't too different, but that isn't a bad thing. It seems that there is much more happening on the screen at once and it's still running smooth, so that counts for something. Looks very fun.