Here’s another video using the Harbor Freight organizers (similar to stanley):
Here’s another video using the Harbor Freight organizers (similar to stanley):
assuming things continue to evolve in the way they seem to be going, my answer is: 3d printing.
Only if you search for “really teeny tiny things”
Still looking for a way to tag people so I can search for a particular individual. I can do it with Picassa, and with Google+ (although not as gracefully). Seems no such mechanism with Photos.
I feel that 75 bucks is a reasonable price, but I’m also in the same boat of that being a price I will admire from afar.
I have more than one chin which one should I measure from?
This is one of the most uninformative informative videos I have ever seen.
Neither mustard nor Worcestershire expire. But while they might not go 'bad' and become unhealthy, it's possible the combination might produce a chemical reaction degrading the flavor.
Free storage isn't free storage. It's like letting you live in a giant house rent free for a year and you get comfortable and put tons of furniture in it and then they tell you you can't live rent free anymore and you can either pay the rent or move into a tiny studio and toss all your furniture.
As another commenter mentioned, notifications. A mobile website (very thankfully) can't invade your notification shade, but the app can. There's also the fact that Facebook links into Android's account systems, so if you use Facebook to log in to anything (which I occasionally do), then it's a two-tap affair. Rather…
I mean come on, dis it all you want, but at least imagination and R&D is active and in full swing. When it's out, great. If it never releases, darn. That's the extent of the situation. Just like car shows and all their concept cars. At least keep positive at the possibility, then of the 50 things they try, 5 get…
They keep referring to this as Holograms, but they are only visible to the person wearing the headset. So it's essentially very good Augmented Reality. The term "hologram" is misleading.
The Windows 10 Technical Preview now has this function baked in.
Stick a fork in it and go to town. This is an extra pulp method.
Mischievous: Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
Alzheimer's disease
Espresso / Escape / Especially / Et cetera