Half life 3
Half life 3
Ive bever played swotor but i understand the feelings of loss when the IT game ceases or is replaced by other things. Its also the evolution of the kids room and the transition into this world of Adulting. I can tell you its still hard twentyish years in. Hopefully your namesake will be flipping through the webs and wi…
My first videogame scare as well came at 1am in the dark with headphones and woke my fanily up
No! Its never twins!
Any pics of Dear ol Krieger? Best Archer character EVAR!
Is there any info on which version, the 2ish hour or the 4 hour version,is getting restored? I hope its the 4. So much better! Hoping they get around to restoring roshomon and Hidden fortress (for the star wars geeks out there)!
Now i want to see that from a cockpit camera.
A highly recommended mod thats out there is called tale of two wastelands. It imports all of fallout 3 into FNV’s engine. It puts things like doctors bags into the dc wasteland. Great mod. Doing my own playthrough.
Mommy just slapped daddy at the dinner table!
When i originally saw the trailer i thought the vault dweller would be the baby who was in the crib... but reading the ideas of cryo combined with the flashbacks it makes more sense that its the father. And the father looking for the son also is an interesting idea... also the son is a super mutant... just sayin.
Wake up Neo... The Matrix has you. Follow the white rabbit. Knock Knock.
Well I do have one table. Its very long against the windows so you'll all have to sit on that side.