
I have to respectfully disagree, speaking as someone who spent 10 years on infertility boards. Among women I knew who were my friends, a good 75 to 80% of the women who didn’t start until 35 had troubles conceiving. And if you try to do IVF after ... um, cannot remember exactly the age, (Maybe 42?) they pretty much

Not to get technical here, but sometimes you get bursts of FSH at that age and ... surprise baby! :-) They an also give you pills to ripen more than one egg. I was on an email list called “Fortility” for women who didn’t start until 35+ and then had fertility issues. We eventually created a new (closed) email list

Success story: Four years of infertility. Two years of working with a surrogate mom. She got pg and lost the fetus at 15 weeks. #horrible. Three weeks later, I went into a weird Chinese medicine store in Princeton, New Jersey and said “What do you have for infertility?” He gave me these weird pills that were stored

They say that you hit the real “infertility” category after a year of trying, but IMHO it’s fine to just think “OK, let’s go pro” after about 6 months. Good luck! There are a ton of things that you can do — treatment has gotten a lot better since I went through it — 18 years ago.

I hear you. I started birth control BEFORE sex and when I finally got married and had sex, it cracked my entire world view when I didn’t just get damn pregnant already! (I didn’t start until age 35 — mistake. It took 4.5 years for us and lots-o-infertility help PLUS I could only have one. Love the kid, but cried about