Plant-Powered Prophet

I pirated games a lot when I was younger and poorer, but now that I am financially in a stable place I make a point of voting with my wallet and making sure a developer gets my money if I like what they are making. Same goes for music and art, I love patreon.

Its just inconceivable to me that people return games after

It also amazes me that people are that shitty. Returning a game you beat and enjoyed sucks. I know you have to have systems in place to prevent that kind of abuse, but I wish people were just cool about it. 

I mean... they COULD fix this. It’s probably a relatively easy fix as well, that could be thought out, planned, tested and implemented in less than two weeks.

But that would like... require Valve to... like... do... something...

But currently they can’t, because they’re making a handheld console that will be abandoned

Starring your post since it mentions a similar proposition I and another person posted.

I’m kinda hoping maybe his post will be covered enough that it might cause folks to check out his game and recoup costs a little.  But yeah, he never should have been put in this situation to being with.  People suck.

This is the world we live in unfortunately, but I couldn’t agree more.

Jesus christ, if you like the game, fucking pay for it. I’d apply this to music as well. If you enjoy it, support it. Art has value.