...that's actually quite true.
...that's actually quite true.
...you do realize that had we lost the Cold War Russia would be the SUPER POWER and we, the United States of America would be marching to Spongebob Squarepants and being scared of Russia?
...I can see Putin jumping up and down screaming like a little child when he sees this, clapping and waving as troops march to this in the Red Square.
No wonder we won the Cold War.
My horror story is...just...I can't really explain it.
I do, actually.
True, I agree on that.
So instead of taking full responsibility for the sheer horribleness that is the game, Gearbox places the blame on TimeGate, when they very well could have taken the project from them, put off Borderlands 2 a bit more, FINISHED what Gearbox first imagined and published the game ON TIME.
This wouldn't be near as bad if the poster in question was a PC gamer.
Someone mention NOLF 2? I love this level. SO AWESOME.
Like I posted in the TAY...anyone care to read a sample of my writing? looking for an audience.
Well, considering I have played all of the Elder Scrolls games, I suppose I could give my pecking order...
Yep. Either that or had a bunch of empty ones, refilled them with dyed water and slapped a label on it.
Cannot beat Legend of Dragoon. At all.
You have won one internetz from me, kind sir. Take it with pride!
Ni no Kuni