
I think it is noteworthy we had two black women running for mayor, definitely. The “Hillary” or “Bernie” parallels do not really work with these guys because Cantrell is still pretty establishment, but the basic poetry of the story - Cantrell is the small potatoes community organizer and Charbonnet comes from a long

I am so excited about this. We always have Democrats but our last mayor was just another good ol’ boy. Cantrell has been my city council rep for years and she always did a great job. I think we would have been in fine hands with Charbonnet, but Cantrell is definitely the more progressive of the two.

Imagine an alternate universe where Bjork’s first movie making experience was with a professional and supportive director and she had such a positive experience that she made a whole series of Bjork musicals...

Björk hated von Trier so much that she yelled that she despised him each morning and ate part of her own costume due to stress from the role.

In case someone does not want to click on facebook (I do not blame you, facebook is horrible)

Then we just end up rating everyone on everything. There will be sites about how folks were to date (he didn’t wash the dishes, she only washed behind her years on major holidays), how they are as friends, etc.

No, as others have pointed out, this is the rats jumping off a sinking ship. Plenty of other abusers in Hollywood are well-known (like Bryan Singer) but nothing’s happened to them yet. It’s only because the Times published the article about Weinstein that the tide has turned against him personally - and the backlash

I remember specifically discussing Harvey Weinstein’s rampant bullshit on this site 1-2 years ago. That ANYONE who knows him is claiming they didn’t know is laughable. You just have to reject that premise wholesale because if movie/filmmaking nerds like myself had heard some rumors than the people closest to him

I’m thinking at least 20 blinds on Blind Gossip should be solved by this.

The whole thing played without buffering ❤️

Now playing

Paris Dennard’s blatant, pathetic attempts to whitewash Trump’s lack of moral leadership on racism has caused a large number of dislocated necks and Scooby Doo double takes on CNN. Just watch the novel playing over Symone Sanders face as she tries to listen to Dennard’s complete misrepresentation of reality without

Re: why the first year is so difficult

Never go grocery shopping together. Just go alone. Srsly. The man will claim, if he's in the store with you, that he cares about which groceries you buy, but in actuality, he will eat whatever you get. So save yourself the frustration and arguments over whether you'll have chicken or fish, and enjoy a little quiet

Obama is no peach especially when it comes to foreign policy, but look at this is gif and enjoy his awesomeness

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

My god, yes. When I use a wheelchair it always astounds me how many people will both address the person I am with about me instead of talking to me, and how many wheelchair attendants at airports (and even a family member once) will just flat out ignore me when I express where I'd like to go or not go, or if I tell