
Robert Baratheon put it in the hands of the statue of Lyanna Stark as a love token, I assume because they don’t have peacocks in Westeros. 

However, Gorsuch was a snide jerk in his hearing to Dems because he knew he was getting confirmed.  And to believe the scuttlebutt at the Court he was also a jerk to some of the other members when he first got there, especially the liberal women.

You just know RBG’s calling this guy a little bitch right now.

I texted a co-worker the same. I can’t people today. I used an out of office appointment as an excuse to not come back to the office, and I’m on my couch with a glass of wine in the middle of the day. It’s date night with my boyfriend, and I don’t know how to pull it together.

You can literally see him fefraining from getting out of his seat when being questioned by Feinstein and Mitchell... the aggression toward the woman is palpable and fucking scary. He’s dismissive and looks away from them... his body language alone shows what he thinks of women.

Chocolate ice cream and vodka.

I am waffling between surrounding myself with like-minded people and hiding under blankets.

This open thread is a good venting mechanism.  Mr. Yacht wants me to go to a comedy show with him tonight that is being run entirely by women, and I understand why he wants to get me out of the house, but I’m not sure I can really manage to People today.

Kavanaugh is shedding crocodile tears (not actually; his eyes and cheeks are dry and as much as he’s sniffling he hasn’t had to wipe his nose ONCE)... tears because he might be about to be denied what he wants most, which is something his private school, ivy league ass has never had to deal with. He’s showing the

What are everyone’s coping mechanisms today/tonight? Alcohol? Yoga? Punching things? Road rage? Sleeping? All of these are on my list of options.

This confirmation process is a disgrace?

When I finally decided to fight back against my emotionally abusive ex-husband and tell him that I was no longer going to tolerate his behavior, he told me I was abusive. When I finally left him, he became the victim and cried for his family because he never did anything “that” bad. This is the same tone I am getting

All his slobbering mouthing sounds are making me sicker than hearing someone chew. 

Is it wrong that I bust into giggles every time he sniffs? Stop sniveling, ya wimp goddam poster boy for the offended patriarchy. You don’t get to cry over the lives you ruined.

I heard he likes beer, cool story bro

He’s a sociopath. He doesn’t seem to understand that his anger and rage are telegraphing his guilt.

Holy crocodile tears. Sniffing is not crying. Also, the lady behind on the left is killing me. Her face is my face trying to not give him the bird. Also. The beer thing. Wtf. I have plenty of guy friends who drank beer who did not sexually assault others. 

“Some of my best friends are women!” - Kavanaugh’s Actual Defense 

Gee guys I cannot imagine this man being violent! He’s so calm and soft spoken. And he has SO MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS! And he also has calendars and teared up a few times!

Talking about how many sporting events he went to in 1982. How did we get here?