
Sam gets a helmet the same day the Hulk’s trousers stop stretching to fit him, Bucky’s arm doesn’t pop of every time he picks up something heavy and the women don't have to fight in heels.


That squeal you heard up and down the east coast was me.

Damn good to see Mackie is getting his own movie. 


I had a lot of issues with NuCap’s (not to be confused with Captain Falcon) arc. He definitely wasn’t on the route for redemption this episode after all this shit he did in 4 and 5 (and all that set-up showing his addiction to heroics not so much heroism). Also, Karli doesn’t really get set-up as someone worth

I dunno, I got a different read on that revised title card:

Like I said, they went in hard.

Yeah, this episode... was a lot. Just a hell of an episode all around.

It’s not that I disagree with you - it’s more that I think I see what the writer’s were trying to get across with the scene:

Well as I’ve said before...from seeing the early trailers for this show, it shows Sam with the shield and trying to use it (fling it around in his backyard) which made me assume that scene was in the beginning of the series but it’s not. So either that trailer was a not-Hulk-running-in-Wakanda or Sam does get the

Oh no...

God that was so good. I wish they’d been like “this was stolen from Wakanda 90 years ago” and took it home with them.

Yep. We just saw what happened when a perfect soldier got the shield and the serum instead of a good man.

God, I loved this episode.

If you take race out of it - and I’m not saying that you should, but if - they accomplished a lot with a little via this death. Lemar was extremely likeable and earned status as one of my favorite characters in the show, in the little screen time that he had. He was a good foil for Walker, and his death will give that

even laying on the couch! although, in that (wounded) instance it seems especially necessary to have a drink. even with Zemo’s villain status, enjoying the fun that this series is having with him. 

I enjoy how all of Zemo’s scenes have him eating or drinking or about to eat or drink. It reminds me of Brad Pitt’s character always eating in Ocean’s Eleven, which was a fun bit.  Like he’s cooler than the room and knows it.

If this is all set up to get Zemo to be a badguy in Black Panther 2 I’m all for it.

To all the idioic fans harrassing Wyatt Russell online, get a life.