
Shipping Reylo was Snoke’s real goal.

That’s easy. It’s his twin.

This article is cheeky and fun, if it was Rey all thonged up under a waterfall, the mood here and the audience would’ve been far creepier.

Peoplr attracted to women had Leia in a bikini.

The best thing to come of TLJ is Emo Kylo Ren is tweeting again.

I was really distracted when all the women in the audience pulled their vibrators out right then and there and went to work.

First thing I thought of, out of shape in shape guy from the 50s


That was me. Sorry.

That was sticking with the theme of trying to give Rey the hardest thing you could possibly give her

As a Malaysian of Chinese ethnicity, let me just say that your “hook for the Asian movie market” point is bullshit. Kelly Marie Tran was born and raised in the US, and does not have a built-in fanbase in Asia just because she’s Asian. (Also, Asia is dozens of countries, and we don’t all know each other.)

Wow, that is so interesting because as an asian woman, I just saw her as a fucking normal-ass person. Maybe it secretly made me feel normal, too, who the fuck knows. But I’m glad that having an asian woman around feels really unnecessary to you. They should cast only regular normal non-weird real people next time.

I lived on a military base for 18 years and Holdo’s actions did not confuse me in the slightest. Didn’t give it a second thought. An Admiral is absolutely not going to share all their plans with someone of substantially lower rank. This is why obedience and chain of command are so important in militaries. You might

Luke’s always be into the colourful milks.

It’s the same gag Yoda pulled on Dagobah. Everything he does from the moment she shows up on the planet is a test. He’s conflicted about interacting with her, but he’s also testing her to help figure out how he should handle her.

Yeah, he’s just being a major weirdo to try and get her to leave him alone.

During the 3rd watch of TLJ, behind my girlfriend and I was someone humming to the music. We realized it was a little girl, maybe 7 or 8. As the credits rolled she practically started singing along. As the tribute to Carrie came on, she stood up. We could see she was dressed in a Rey costume way too detailed for it to

Cute. Do like