
Trust. I’m all fueled up.

—> “If Snoke was connecting Kylo Ren and Rey, how did they talk after he died?”

Also: FFS, when it takes and agonizing five minutes to close a very important protective door, and you know the bad guys are coming. JUST CLOSE THE FRICKING DOOR BEFORE THEY SHOW UP.

My biggest question from the trailers was, “what’s the white stuff on top of the red stuff on that planet?” I am so appreciative that cinematic time was taken to explain and show that it was salt. That was very important and absolutely worth interrupting the flow of the story to show. WTF.

This sums up my biggest problem with the film. In an effort to be “different”, it instead feels like a massive disservice to Luke.

But it also paints Luke Han and Leia as massive failures that failed a child, gave up and went their own way. I want to read the Lucas outline for a new trilogy so badly now it hurts. Movies and tv is to obsessed with failure right now. Success happens. Happiness exists.

He’s also in classic abuser mode when he tells her all this. He lifting himself up because he is a skywalker and believes he should be given this ultra power in the force. The idea that Rey just suddenly shows up with equal to perhaps more power than he does I think seriously damaged his ego. He has to find away, a

Driver really has surprised me. I haven’t really seen him in much before this, but he just pulls me in whenever he’s on screen.

I find the whole Luke trying to kill Ben in his sleep a travesty. That is not Luke Skywalker, the man who still saw the light in his father and turned him through compassion. I have no problem with Luke going into exile because he failed with Ben, but his failure should have come because he fucking showed compassion.

The whole Luke/Kylo reveal has been bothering me since I saw it Friday, and you have put into words what I was feeling about it.

This. God dammit, all of this.

Sipping drinks with beautiful women.

You’re telling me that I’m supposed to believe that Luke would contemplate killing his nephew because he saw the darkness inside him. Didn’t kill Vader, wouldn’t kill the Emperor. But this son of my sis and friend, he’s got to go. I mean, I understand that Kylo has to feel betrayed, and Luke has to feel like he’s

I actually saved a conversation about it that I saw on reddit the other day which made me laugh

Hm, I’m clueless as you about Kylo’s intentions from here on, but I have to say that the situation has some potential. He said to Rey “let’s forget the whole thing” but he acts in front of Hux as the new supreme leader, simply because he has to at that moment. He needs to play this role until he figures out his next

I have to agree with you, and I started feeling like this right after the movie. I was kind of speechless but not in the same way after TFA or Rogue One. Don’t get me wrong, TLJ was enjoyable and entertaining, it juuuust was a bit too much of a stretch at a few too many points for me. Am I still going to go see it

What do you see as the motivation for Kylo in the third one? He doesn’t seem to be driven by the dark side, he doesn’t seem to hate Rey or the rebels.

To see the Luke we were promised and told of for decades? To have his death and sacrifice be much more impactful to the final resolution? that it should have been saved for episode IX?

Rose didn’t die. She was in bad shape but not dead.

Don’t get me wrong - I think the manner of Snoke’s death was actually pretty cool. I just think that there should have been much more of Snoke prior to it happening. Something to cement how powerful he was, for instance, and how he came to be ruling the First Order with an iron fist, etc. I agree the way Kylo Ren