
I doubt they were prevented from taking them home. They probably didn't want to travel around NYC in a restaurant uniform because it suggest you are probably carrying cash (tips). I worked in restaurants there for years and it is commonplace to wear your street clothes in, change into your uniform (most restaurants

Lou & Grey is more "activewear" inspired but doesn't seem to offer any sizes other than what Loft normally sells. I don't think it is their plus line.

Thank you for referring to Dougie by his proper name rather than NPH. He is Dougie forever!

NOOOO! Karen....don't take a break!

Queen of serene!!!

I'm so very sorry.

Ug. Had to take my 12.5 yr old dog to the vet today to find out he had a dog equivalent of torn acl which will require major surgery. He's old so I'm terrified about the risk.

I am honestly curious... do you have personal knowledge about him that would indicate this? I work in the industry and have had the pleasure of meeting him and attending a few events at which he was present. Of course this doesn't make me an expert, but he was always extremely charming and gracious. I also know

Right?? I had a couple Koko books when I was in elementary school. Koko must be getting up there in age. I really hope gorillas like to 100 or something because I don't think I could handle Koko dying.

She used to have one named Lipstick. Sighhhh.

They still knock off designs left & right. In fact, that is done far more than actual designing.

When I first started out as a designer, I had to buy stuff and return quite a few times I hate that I did that, but I could barely pay rent & buy food, so if I had to look nice at a meeting or interview, something had to give. The shitty thing is it takes a really long time to make a living wage as a fashion designer

I really hope that Beyonce is rocking this clip on bangs you speak of. What she has looks like my bad hair in 5th grade during the 80s.

Please tell me it wasn't Jere's.

This is amazing. But I am so confused. Is owning owls a thing now? I am supposed to have a pet owl?? So many questions...

You would be surprised at how easy making basic pattern block can be. Look for a cheap, used textbook on Amazon. You can always use your blocks to tweak store bought patterns.

Where did you hear this?

Wild guess, but her cardio could come from dance and running. A few days of weight training. Probably works out 6 days per week. Sad to say, most of her physique likely comes from a very strict diet.