Plan 17

I get that, but it doesn't take GRRM's affinity for plot development or characterization to figure out that capturing a wight to convince Cersei is a senseless plot device, or that premising much of the drama in a given season on the idea that people who have been apart for years despite close, longstanding

This has become really sloppy and I don't understand why. In a show known for its clever intricate plotting, the last two episodes have set things up in a blatantly stupid fashion. Time pressure explains some of the shortcuts, like Jon and Dany falling in love without having any chemistry or significant time spent

Yes you get a "no prize."

I just have a feeling he's not going anywhere until the end. When you think about it he's pulled many of the most important strings in the world of the show.

It would present a nice contrast between Daenerys' cultured, destined-to-rule upbringing and Jon's more humble background if, after their initial meeting, she had huddled with Tryion and Varys and said "Did you see that he's wearing a rug dyed to look like a wolfskin? This is what he wears to meet the [name and list

Stick-figures would help. Here is you opening your Pflurg bookcase system. Here is you holding tools and smiling. Here is a much older you, now with a beard, still working on your Pflurg. Here is you crying. Here is you at marriage counseling. Here is you removing your half-built Pflurg to the alley as you vacate the

Umm, those things are made exclusively for taut, preteen Swedish boys. It says right there in the Swedish language instructions.

All I know is that it means the Silver Surfer isn't involved thus far in the events of the Infinity Gems saga. Which is stupid given his role in the comics.

Which is a shame in a way. Qyburn is totally amoral, but I never get the impression that he actively cares who does well or badly in the GoT, so long as he gets to continue being a weirdo and doing experiments on half-dead people. He might be a real asset for the "real" war coming, clever fella that he is.

All I know is that they wouldn't be spending this much time on Littlefinger seemingly making everyone at Winterfell hate him (more than they already do) for no good reason if it weren't adding up to some sneaky Littlefinger plot. He is not going anywhere. He is going to kill Varys at some point, and he may well sit on

Randall Tarly reports to Jamie, after having ridden ahead with it and come back, that the gold has been delivered "inside the walls of KL." That is right before the horde shows up.

It was also a conveniently non-incinerating breath of dragon fire. We've just seen that stuff turning people to ash in a millisecond, but being in extremely close proximity to it is surprisingly not that hot.

It's been a while since I've seen ZDT but I don't recall thinking that about it either. I agree with your point: after all, stories about personal obsession can just as well be set in the context of some worthy goal, like catching the Zodiac killer for example.

It's the AV Club. If they had first crack at a review for The Godfather, they'd find a reason to give it an A- (too long; too many Italian stereotypes). Meanwhile some movie that came out the same week about the fast-paced glue industry would get the only A that week.

Maher no longer seems to have anything interesting to say that he hasn't already said. Now that he just tanked his credibility among many in his target audience with this utterly inexplicable "joke" it would seem to be a no-brainer to make this the last season. This first season of RT in the age of Trump, when comedy

One of my good earworms is Vicious by Lou Reed. One of my worst ones is Mmmm Bop by Hanson.

I kinda hate Friends - not that it didn't have the occasional funny moment or line - but the episode where Ross bleaches his teeth is just brilliant.

No, read it. The interviewee acknowledges the goodness of the song.

FWIW, I don't think Charlize Theron is doing a lot of bragging about that one. And I hope you've seen the Semi-Charmed Life Hatesong from this very publication. Funny stuff:

I bet he's just feeling frustrated because he learned that his best buddy was killed by his former pupil (his buddy's son, no less), and he's been hiding out for so long that he doesn't really do much talking about his feelings, and he hid because he didn't much feel like being a Jedi anymore, and doesn't feel like he