I guess Sting didn’t like another stringed instrument player getting all the attention XD
I guess Sting didn’t like another stringed instrument player getting all the attention XD
That si the real question! Will we ever see Josh Brolin charge into battle carrying a pug in his arm (and in the film)?
What about Gurney Halleck’s small dog?
There were a bunch of things that were filmed that didn't make it into the film. Too bad they weren't included on the DVD.
I don’t know about that - other than the fact that obviously Ahsoka didn’t exist in 2005, I don’t think anything Mace Windu did there was personal against Anakin. As far as Windu was concerned, Anakin was just being used as Palpatine’s pawn and denying him the rank of Master was just his way of thumbing his nose at…
Exactly, like she was still a Jedi to almost everyone (and almost all of the people who would have said to the contrary were killed).
Rex (after she pulled his chip) even tried to argue that she didn’t count, hopeful that the loophole would override his brothers programming. Jesse even said in the last Clone Wars episode that Order 66 had a specific addendum for Ahsoka and for Maul (who was also not a Jedi and never was).
I’m just bored of the weird new mysticism and references to cartoons in Star Wars shows now. The Mandolorian season 1 and Andor were great because they were separate stories in the universe about new characters (that referenced tangential characters). Ashoka, the dark saber, Thrawn, etc do not interest me. Why not…
Wow, you’re calling everyone in the 501st a closeted fascist?
Well, re: the Anakin being a master, to me all that the way Ahsoka/Anakin’s apprenticeship ended does is just make Mace Windu that much MORE of an asshole in ROTS.
I wish Leah the best of luck here. I’ve always found the adoration for Tom Cruise to be weird, especially since it’s broadly known how integral he is to Scientology. People on Reddit love him and will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to excuse him. “Scientology bad, but the new Mission Impossible was amazing!”
kind of the holy Trinity of internet commenters, eh?
I mean, it’s not Schindler’s List, but no—not a kids movie. It’s rated PG-13, directed by a critically-acclaimed director with multiple Oscar noms under her belt, and unambiguously directed at an older audience. Hell, its first teaser was a riff on 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Man, this thing really blew up.
For the record, the nazis though Unit 731 was too much, and that’s not a legend.
exactly, they gave away the last purple heart printed in anticipation of the casualties from operation downfall (the invasion of the Japanese home islands) in **Afghanistan**. it took over 70 years to use them all and we anticipated those casualties in 2 years.
Yeah a lot of people don’t seem to realize what not dropping the bombs meant. Conservative estimates would have put the fighting in the Pacific theater lasting 1-2 more years and an expected loss of human life greater than 3 million compared to an estimated 300,000 for the two bombings.
“We find the reaction to this fan-driven movement from the official American account for the movie Barbie to be extremely regrettable,” Warner Bros. Japan’s statement read in part. “We take this very seriously and are asking the American head office to take appropriate action.”